•chapter ten - trust fall•

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a/n : fred as a football player above! love that edit sm!! anyways, have fun reading this chapter, it's a bit of a filler but i was having some writers block lol :(

After an amazing night of sleep, I was abruptly woken up by the excited squealing of Ella and Katie.

"Ahhhhhh," Katie screamed, "Ella wake up!"

I scrambled out of bed, wanting to make sure that the both of them were not being kidnapped or something of the sort.

But, when I sat up, I noticed that both of them were jumping around the room, completely fine.

"Oh my goodness, why the fu<k would you two wake me up at this hour," I said, clearly annoyed.

"Oh shut up, it's already 7, we have to go down to breakfast in twenty minutes anyway." Ella told me.

"Whatever, I'll get ready, but why are the two of you screaming so loudly?" I asked them, still trying to wake up.

"There is an open field for quidditch today, before tryouts on Friday!" Katie yelled, with a smile so wide, I could practically see the dangly thing in the back of her throat. (sorry I really wanted to add that) (Megan Thee Stallion :))

"Oh, yay, wait that is worth screaming about! I have had hardly any quidditch practice over the summer!" I agreed with Ella and Katie.

"Exactly, same with both of us!" Katie exclaimed.

"Alright, so we can all meet at the Great Hall after classes to walk to the pitch together." Ella planned out.

I changed into my school robes, which I had placed on the desk last night before passing out, and used my wand to straighten my hair so that it didn't look like a rat's nest all day.

I then applied a small amount of mascara and put some blush across my nose and cheeks.

After I had finished getting ready, Ella and Katie practically dragged me down the spiral staircase into the busy common room, that contained a bunch of beaming Gryffindor students, excited for the first day of classes.

In the corner of the room, I saw Fred and George experimenting with a very suspicious looking powder and vial of green liquid.

I sent a disapproving and confused look towards Fred with my eyebrows, and he responded with a cheesy smile and two thumbs up before turning back to George.

Katie and Ella continued to pull me along with them, stepping out of the portrait hole.

But, soon after the door closed, we all heard a loud BANG and a bunch of Gryffindors, including Ron, Hermione, Harry, Neville, Dean, and Lee, all laughing and cursing at Fred and George.

Katie, Ella, and I swung around as if we were all connected to a door hinge and saw the group of coughing-laughing students.

I scanned all of their faces, which were covered in a dusty-looking substance.

Soon, I got to Fred's face, a smirk placed on it and his eyes already on me. I tilted my head to the right and shook it before laughing out loud.

"Wow, this is all... very exciting, but if you don't mind, I am hungry, and breakfast is waiting downstairs!" Ella whined, causing me to break eye contact with Fred.

"You and me both!" Ron agreed with Ella. I had only known the two of them for a day and a half and I already knew how similar they were.

We all made our way to the Great Hall for breakfast, while laughing and joking around with one another.

Before I could even step across the doorway of the Great Hall entrance, however, I practically got tackled by a screaming Aya.

Luckily, someone with quite strong arms behind me, caught me trust fall style before I could slam into the ground.

I looked up at Fred's smirking face and rolled my eyes before getting back up.

"No thank you, or thank you for miraculously coming to my rescue, Prince Charming?" Fred asked, playfully teasing me.

"Oh sorry, yea thank you so much for catching me." I told him, trying to separate myself from him so that he didn't involve me in any of his pranks.

"Okayyy, anyways! Talia, guess what?" Aya practically shouted at me, making everyone in the Great Hall look towards us.

"Umm, I don't know, Bella got kidnapped by a vampire?" I responded, very unsure of where the conversation was going.

"Ugh, oh my goodness, this is no time for jokes!" Aya scolded me."Oh and by the way, congrats on getting into Gryffindor!"

"Thanks! Sorry, Aya, but what in the world did you tackle me for?" I asked her.

"Oh ok, right, so basically, I heard from Crabbe who heard from Goyle who heard from Pansy who heard from Blaise that Theo thinks you're gorgeous!" she exclaims, all very quickly.

"Uhh, alright. First I'm going to need you to tell me who all of those people are, because I have absolutely no idea." I told her.

"Oh yeah, sorry. So they are all Slytherins, and the point of it is that Theodore Nott, the chaser for the Slytherin team, who by the way is extremely attractive, thinks you're beautiful." Aya said, smiling very wide.

"I find that kind of hard to believe, especially because I haven't ever met him." I told her, walking to the Gryffindor table to catch up with Ella and Katie.

Aya walked with me and sat down on my left, with the twins and Harry across from me, and Katie and Ella to my right.

"As if! Literally all of the third and fourth year boys are talking about you. It's crazy! I heard that Dean Thomas, Blaise Zabini, oh my gosh, I could literally go on forever. Basically, all of the guys at the school are head over heels for you right now, so just be careful." Aya warns me.

She then gets up out of her seat and runs back to the Slytherin table.

While I watch her go back to her table, I notice literally everyone's eyes on me. Mostly the boys, but also a few girls with either very friendly looks on their faces, or very mean and jealous looks on their faces.

I shake them all off and grab a piece of toast along with some jam.

While spreading it, I look up to see Fred and George in a heated discussion about either Dung Bombs or dung beetles. I truly could not tell.

On my right, Katie and Ella were discussing how they would divide their free practice time tonight at the pitch to prepare for tryouts.

Glancing down the table, I see a shy looking boy looking at me while in a conversation with Hermione, who was holding a book about plants or some type of Herbology textbook.

He quickly looked back downwards after noticing my gaze.

I chuckled a little bit, still very confused about the very warm welcome I was receiving in the castle, but nonetheless, I ate my breakfast and waiting for classes to start.

a/n : ok plz don't worry i know this chapter was bad but i just had some ideas for how to spice it up a little, especially with quidditch tryouts coming up and classes starting! thanks for reading, remember to vote! <3

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