•chapter seven - soccer ball•

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After a few hours of coming out of my shell and getting to know the team, Hermione rushed into our compartment and told us all we would need to change into our robes.

This meant we were getting close to Hogwarts!! I had never seen the castle before, but everyone always says that it's absolutely magnificent.

But, as I left to go change, I realized that I had left my bag with my robes in the other compartment.

Sighing, I began to walk all the way back to grab my bag.

I finally got to the compartment and slung my bag over my shoulder. I stepped through the doorway and was halfway out the door when a soccer ball came flying at my face.

I catch it with ease, because of my experience playing goalie and center mid back in France.

Setting the ball between my arm and my side, I look super at three very guilty looking kids.

The girl on the right had dark skin, was pretty short, and had gorgeous dark, brown, curly hair, the guy in the middle was tan, tall, and had very athletic build and straight, dirty blond hair, and the girl on the left had frizzy, wavy, blondish-brown hair, was paler than the other two with a few freckles dotting her nose and cheeks, and was about my height.

"I am so sorry! We were all passing the ball around the corridor and we didn't see you coming!" the girl on the left said.

"Yeah, my bad, I kind of was the one who lobbed it at your head." the guy in the middle said, whilst rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's fine, I play goalie so I have quick reflexes, but you have a nice shot," I told them.

"Oh neat! I play striker, we should 1v1 sometime!" the girl on the right said.

"Sure, I'd love to practice while I'm at Hogwarts to stay in shape." I respond.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Bella, Bella Coolsen, this is Cedric Diggory," the boy in the middle waved," and this is Aya Ajlane," she pointed at the girl on the right, who stuck out her hand for me to shake.

"I'm Talia Baudelaire, nice to meet you all!" I say while shaking Aya's hand. She had a very firm grip, and she seemed really strong.

"Wait, how come I've never seen you around before? I always notice pretty girls." Cedric says, a smirk playing on his lips.


I nervously chuckle because that was super bold of him to say, but I say, "I transferred from Beaxbaton over the summer, but I'll be in my third year, so it's not like I missed anything."

"Oh that's cool, Bella and I are going into third year too! Cedrics a fourth year though." Aya tells me.

"Just wondering, what house are you guys in? I've only met Gryffindors so far, and since I haven't been sorted, I was curious to see what the other houses were like." I ask the trio.

"Well, I'm a Hufflepuff, Bella's a Ravenclaw, and then Aya here," he puts his hands on her shoulders and I see her trying to hide her blushing cheeks, "is a Slytherin. We wouldn't know each other, except that my mom, Bella's dad, and Aya's mom are all partners ina wizarding law firm in England." Cedric explains to me.

"Ahh, that's really cool! I should probably go change into my robes now, but it was really nice to meet you guys!" I say, handing the soccer ball back to Bella.

"You too! Hopefully Aya and I will have some classes with you this year." Bella says, with Aya nodding along.

I smile at them and then turn around to find my way to the changing rooms.

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