•chapter nine - moving staircases•

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a/n : NO CAUSE THESE BERNIE MEMES ARE TOO FUNNY OMG someone plz get me the sweatshirt above lol.

"Congratulations Ginny!" I tell the shy girl.

"Thank you, Talia, congratulations to you too!" Ginny responds, her cheeks still burning red from all of the attention.

The sorting comes to an end and soon the prefects are instructed to take everyone up to their dorms.

"Come along then. First years, follow me, and other Gryffindors, stay behind, thank you." Percy, the twins' brother, also a prefect for Gryffindor house, says.

I wait for all of the first years to get out of their seats and follow Percy, so that I could stay behind them, as he directed us to do.

But, when I stood up from the table, I immediately got whisked away by Fred and George, who each had taken one of my arms to drag me out of the Great Hall.

"Hey! Let me go!" I yelled at the two, who were giggling like four year olds.

"Sorry newbie, but you have to see one of our famous pranks on your first day, or else it wouldn't be a proper introduction to the school." Fred tells me.

"George, tell Fred that he is being ridiculous and that I don't need to be apart of either of your pranks." I order George.

"Well, I'll tell him, but I'm pretty sure he could hear you just fine," George said sarcastically, "Also, I don't know why you think I'm on your side for this one. I'm just eager to be back in school to come up with more pranks."

"Wow, that's just great. Guys, I can't get in trouble on my first day here! I haven't even started any of my classes yet, please just let me go to the dormitories!" I try to argue with them.

They both just shake their heads and lead me around a corner to what looked like an office of some type.

Then, I read the name plate on the front of the door. It said Argus Filch.

"Nope, no way, not happening!" I tell them.

"Awh, come on Talia, just wait out here and tell us if someone is coming. We need to grab something real quick that Filch confiscated last year." Fred whines at me.

"It'll only take like ten seconds." George tries to convince me.

"Fine, I will wait out here for exactly ten seconds while you guys get whatever you want, but after that you have to take me straight to the dorms." I tell the both of them.

The boys look at each other and grin. They then sneak into the office, leaving the door ajar so that I could warn them if someone was coming.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10," I counted, "Okay, it's been ten seconds and no one is coming, please come out now."

I hear some rustling around. Neither of them had answered me, so I peered through the crack between the door and the frame.

I saw them both going through a stack of baskets on the wall.

"Psst, guys we need to go! I see someone coming!" I whisper-yell at them.

Their heads shoot up and Fred grabs a piece of blank parchment before they both scurry out the door.

"Finally, okay, now take me up to the dorms!" I command them.

"Wait, there's no one here, why'd you call us out?" George asks me, looking around frantically.

"Because I counted to ten and you guys were still in there! I need to go to my dorm before I get in trouble." I told them.

"Talia Baudelaire. I am so disappointed in you." Fred says, trying to act like one of my grandparents.

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