•chapter four - quaffle•

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a/n : okok so this is kind of a filler but it's still a fun chapter :))

I had just arrived home from Diagon Alley with my grandmother, shopping bags in hand. We both stepped out of the brick fireplace and placed all of the school supplies on the marble island in the kitchen, which was adjacent to the living room that contained the large fireplace.

The metal bird cage on the counter was being banged around ferociously by the small, brown and white barn owl that I, after twenty straight minutes of begging, was able to convince my grandmother to buy me at Eeylops' Owl Emporium. I picked up the cage and put my fingers through the bars to pet the creature.
"Hey Grams," I say, "What should I name him?".

"Hmm, well, I'm not sure, what about Louis?" she responds.

I shake my head no, I was NOT going to name my owl a person name, that would just be weird.

"I'm going to bring him and all my stuff upstairs to start packing, thank you for getting all my stuff with me!" I say hugging my grandmother.

She hugs me back, tightly, and says,"Of course, ma cherie. I love you!"

"I love you too Grams, when should I come back down for dinner?" I inquire.

"Well Sonny should be home from the Ministere around 7:00 because he had to work overtime to cover my work because I was out with you today. So, we can probably just order from the little bistro down the street after he gets home."

I nod to her from the stairs, trying to balance all of my school stuff as I wobbled up the spiral staircase. Once I reached my room, luckily it was the first room when you got up the stairs, I set down all of the bags and began to take the items out to organize them.

It took me a few hours to unpack everything and organize it into little piles on the floor of my bedroom. And I was way too tired to start putting everything in my trunk, so I fed my owl some dinner and tried to figure out what to name him.

I got out my favorite, leather-bound parchment journal and began writing down some options.
    After about a half hour of scribbling down a few options with my feather quill, I had narrowed the list down to three names, Prince, Quaffle, and Cloudy.

I squinted at the parchment paper and finally chose to name my owl Quaffle. It was perfect! I loved quidditch, I was a chaser so I always had the quaffle, and the quaffle was reddish brown, kind of similar to Quaffle's coloring.

I checked the small clock on my bedside table next to my chapstick collection and saw that it was already 7:00. I went downstairs to say hello to my grandfather and eat dinner.

I pretty much passed out on my bed and went straight to sleep after dinner, not even bothering to change into pajamas.

When I woke up the next day, I was in a brilliant mood because there was only one more days until I would board the Hogwarts train and go off for school.

The day went by pretty fast, and I managed to finish packing all of my belongings and books into my old, brown trunk.

My grandparents got me a special dinner consisting of take-out from the local American themed restaurant, per my request, a few streets down from our house.

I went to sleep with so many thoughts in my head, some were good, like thinking about all of the new material I would get to learn during my first term, and some bad, like when I was thinking about having to meet so many new people and not having any friends.

Which is right about when I started thinking about Hermione and how she had offered that I sit with her friends on the train, which was extremely nice of her, but I didn't know if I would be up for meeting too many more people.

I had handled myself well when talking to Hermione, but she was much nicer than many people from my old school, so I can't assume that everyone at Hogwarts would be so kind.

And then there was Fred. Who was absolutely charming and adorable, but he probably thought I was a complete blaireau, so he would definitely not even talk to me, especially because he seemed to have a big family and a lot of friends. Why had he even helped me a few days ago in Flourish and Blotts?

I shook the thought from my mind, figuring I would just keep to myself during my future years at Hogwarts. If I ignored rude people and didn't talk too much around others, maybe I could survive at school. But, right now, I need to go to sleep because I have a lot of traveling to do tomorrow.

a/n : remember to vote!! thank you <3

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