•chapter six - sack of potatoes•

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a/n : woah, not a louis partridge picture?? nope just an amazing picture of the twins and rupert LOL

I heard yelling, laughing, and lots of footsteps of bystanders. So, out of curiosity, I stood up and leaned my head out of the door way.

I look down the aisle, and, no surprise, the Weasley twins are both laying on the floor, about 3 yards across from each other, laughing their arses off.

All around them there were a bunch of books, one bird cage, at least twenty pumpkin pasties, and a deck of cards from exploding snap sprawled out all over the ground.

I looked from one Weasley to the other, deducting that the one on my left was Fred, and my right, George. Disapprovingly, I shake my head and chuckle at the sight of them.

"Something amusing newbie?" Fred says, trying to contain his laughter.

"Oh, no, not at all. I'm definitely do not find it anywhere near humorous that the two of you have already made a mess and we aren't even at Hogwarts yet." I reply back, trying to seem witty and not nervous, which I was.

"Ha ha," George says sarcastically, "We were just trying to have a little duel, but we both used stupefy at the same time."

"Twin type stuff, you wouldn't understand." Fred says sassily, whilst flipping his imaginary hair.

"Ahh, okay then I guess you two can clean this all up by yourselves and stop bothering everyone? Because it's 'twin type stuff'?" I say to Fred, turning back around to re-enter my compartment.

I laugh lightly and slid the door closed, seeing that Hermione had completely missed the entire little scene the boys had created.

"Do they often play pranks, Hermione? They twins seem like quite the troublemakers." I ask Hermione.

She finally looked up from her book with a smile, "I've literally only been at Hogwarts for one year and they have pulled about a thousand pranks on the teachers and students, not to mention the entire Weasley family."

"Poor Mrs. Weasley, having to live with the two of them must be a big challenge." I say.

"Yes, well she is one of the sweetest people I know, so she rarely gets extremely mad at them. But, when I visited over the summer they enchanted her knitting yarn to start shrieking every time she attempted to use it, and I have never seen her so mad. It was quite funny, though." Hermione grins at the memory while I laugh along with her.

The compartment door slides open, revealing two mischievous-looking red-heads wiggling their eyebrows at me.

"What do you two want now?" I say, groaning at them.

"Well, we finished our, how you put it, twin type stuff, and we were hoping we could drag you off to the fun compartments with all of our friends." Fred says, excitedly.

"We figure Hermione here is boring you with all of her reading." George quickly adds.
Hermione glares at George and rolls her eyes before looking back down to her book.

"I'd rather stay here and be bored than follow you two off to pull pranks on me!" I say crossing my arms with a smile tugging on my lips.

"Oh, sorry, did you think we were asking you?" George asks, very slyly.

"Because we actually are here to kidnap you!" Fred exclaims, while he and George run towards me to apparently 'kidnap' me.

Fred flips me over his shoulder with ease, like a sack of potatoes. I wiggle around and try to break loose from his grip, but he holds my legs firmly in place in his arms.

"Fred!! I am going to pass out, let me down!" I yell at him, my body now upside-down.

"Sorry newbie, no can do. We've got to introduce you to Lee, and the others before you meet the Slytherins and they brainwash you!" Fred says.

I smack his back, continuing to try to escape, while he walks forward, passing other compartments filled with people.

I feel my cheeks burn red because everyone is watching Fred and George march me down the path.

"You two are so incredibly embarrassing, no one here knows me and you guys are making me look like a complete blaireau!" I shout at the two boys, who are laughing their arses off, yet again.

"Well first of all, neither of us know what blaireau means, seeing as we are not French, and second, we are literally the coolest people in the school, so if anything, we are giving you street cred." Fred says, while I see George along with him.

"God you two are annoying." I mutter under my breath.
"What was that Mademoiselle Talia?" Fred whispers mockingly back to me.
"What? I didn't say anything!!" I tell him, quite defensively.

"Whatever you say, we are here by the way." Fred says back.

"Finally!" I exclaim as Fred gently lets me down and walks over to a compartment that is completely filled up with kids talking and joking around with one any other.

I feel extremely anxious, because I was not prepared to meet so many new people in one day.

But, I remembered that they would probably be nice, and that I should start being more confident, so I put on a smile and hoped I could speak for more than a sentence without stuttering and looking at my shoes.

As Fred and George open the door, the chattering becomes louder until everyone looks up and sees me, hiding behind the twins.

"Who's that Georgie?" I hear a girl ask.

Both of the boys step back to reveal me to their friends. I smile and wave to all of them.

"Hi, I'm Talia, uh, I just transferred from Beaxbaton and the twins were showing me around." I say, breathing in and out, trying to calm myself down.

"Oh yeah! I heard we were getting a new student in third year this term." A boy with dreadlocks exclaims.

"Yep, we thought we'd introduce her to you all so that she wouldn't be too lonely at school." George responds.

"I'm Lee Jordan, by the way, nice to meet you." Lee, the boy with dreadlocks says to me. I smile and shake the hand he is offering to me.

"I'm Angelina Johnson!"
"I'm Katie Bell!"
"I'm Oliver Wood!"
"I'm Ella Horting!"
"I'm Alicia Spinnet!"

"Pleasure to meet you all!" I say back to the lot of them.

I start feeling extremely awkward, because everyone was now silent, so I turn my head back to Fred and George. "Can I go back to my compartment now?" I ask, looking hopefully at the both of them.

"Nope!" they both say, each of them taking one of my arms and pulling me into the compartment.

"There is literally no more space in the cabin!" I say, trying to convince them not to hold me captive any longer.

"We can all squeeze, and if worst comes to worst, you can just sit on my lap." Fred says, smirking at me.

"As if," I say, trying not to blush, sitting down in between Ella and Fred.

"So, where do you live?" Ella asks me.

"France, it's really neat there, where are you from?" I respond.

"Scotland, so it's pretty convenient that I go to Hogwarts."

I continue talking to Ella, and all of the others too, during the train ride. They were super welcoming and extremely nice to me the whole time.

I also learned that they all played on the Gryffindor quidditch team, except Lee, and Oliver was the captain. Angelina, Alicia, and Katie were all chasers, Oliver was the keeper, Fred and George were beaters, and Ella was the seeker.
(in this plz pretend that harry was like the substitute seeker 👍🏼 thank you)

a/n : longer chapter, again. i think i like writing longer ones better because there's more dialog in between events. but, tell me your opinions lol! again, remember to vote please <3 love you all

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