•chapter eleven - potions•

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a/n : this chapter is very very entertaining in my opinion. a new character is introduced aahhh so that's exciting. i'm very happy about making a love-triangle type plot so get ready for conflict!! have fun reading <3

After about ten minutes of convincing Ella to not get a fifth bowl of oatmeal, Katie and I managed to pry Ella away from the Great Hall and towards our first class, which conveniently we had together.


Ella and Katie told me that Professor Snape, who taught potions, was the worst professor because of his prejudice against non-Slytherin houses, especially Gryffindors.

My two new friends led me down a few stair cases, towards the dungeons. It soon became very cold and I could hardly feel my fingers, which were tightly clamped around my leather satchel.

We arrived to the potions classroom, and apparently we had lessons with the Slytherins today, just our luck, I thought sarcastically.

When the three of us walked in, all of the students in the room stared at us, dropping whatever they were doing.

"Uh, Katie, Ella, why is everyone staring at us? Are we late?" I whisper-asked the both of them, awkwardly looking around the damp room.

"Nope, we aren't late." Katie said trying not to laugh.

"And more importantly, they aren't looking at us... they're looking at you." Ella added, also holding in a giggle.

"What? Why are they looking at me? Can we please sit down? This is so awkward." I told them, becoming very self conscious.

"Yea sure we can sit down, there are three open seats over there." Katie pointed out three desks on the left of a boy, who was also looking at us- sorry, I meant me apparently.

We take our seats, Katie and Ella taking the two furthest from the brown, curly-haired boy, leaving me to sit next to him.

I gave him a small smile as I sat down and pulled out my potions supplies.

He smiled back and then focused his attention on his potions kit, which he was setting up on his desk.

I turned to my left and glared at Katie and Ella who were quietly laughing at the horribly awkward (yes i am using the word awkward for the millionth time this chapter, deal with it) situation.

"That's Theodore Nott by the way." Ella tells me, directly pointing at him, even though he could clearly see her.

Oh sh!t, I think. That's the first guy Aya told me about. that makes it even more awkward. (LOL again plz don't judge, but you can comment synonyms for awkward bc i'm too lazy to look those up)

Suddenly the door I had come in through was slammed shut and a serious looking man with pale white skin, dark greasy hair, and clothing that looked like he rented it from a funeral home, strutted through the path between the desks.

He introduced himself as Professor Snape, even though I seemed to be the only student who didn't know who he was.

And then he proceeded to list off the rules he had in his classroom.

Most were basic and understandable, but many were simply stupid in my opinion, including one rule he had which was, "If you lose or forget any of your materials you will have an automatic 4 hour detention after classes with the teacher of my choice."

Like, come on, that's just annoying.

Our assignment for the day was to make a shrinking solution.

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