Chapter 3

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"I need you to wear a short sexy dress!" Lindy said as she opened the doors of her walk-in closet. Her apartment was everything I imagined, wooden floors covering the entire place, stainless kitchen and all white furniture. I wonder how the hell she afford this place, either her blog went viral or her second job, where she customer service people who are having computer problems.

"Excused me?" I couldn't hear her correctly. Seeing her taste of clothes still hasn't change, still too short and showing too much of exposing skin.

"Merch relax, it is just a dress you have to wear to this particular club. It has a very strict dress code" Lindy holding up a straps less rose-golden dress against my body. It's really pretty, and not too short than the other three options showed me before. Suddenly, some reason the memories are pouring back into my head, how I would break curfew, coming home drunk from a party that Lindy literally had to beg me to come as her date. It was fun, I mean I am sure I had fun, it still a kind of a blur.

"Lemme guess, the slutty the girls dress, easier it is to get in for free" I holding the sparkly dress as I face the standing mirror.

"Touché, but actually no. The place does have a serious dress code, the nightclub we're going to has a theme. It's called 'Starry Night" Lindy being dramatic by making hands in rainbow motion to give to her point some effects.

"Okay" drawing out the word, still a little bit confused.

"Yeah, the place will be basically blackout, except twinkly lights hanging above our heads" Lindy explains even more what I will expect tonight, as she decides what she is going to wear. I keep looking at myself with the same dress in my hands, trying to understand why she thinks this dress will ever possibly look good on me.

Lindy has an amazing body, she's taller, more lean than I am. I'm now curvier and few inches shorter. I know, my body changed since high school. I accepted my womanly figure. Lindy had always been more girly than I am, wearing high heels and skinny jeans is her sense of style, while I was more boyfriend's jeans, simple crop top with my Nikes. She was wanting to showoff her body, while I rather be covered up with a hoodie. Sometimes, I asked myself how we are best friends.

"Do not dare second guess yourself, you are beautiful and sexy" Lindy smiles and look at me, "Not in a Lesbian way though" laughing to herself. "Because no offense, you're not really my type" she shrugged.

"Thanks, I think" I gave her a look, in weird way I'm insulted by her comment.

"You know what I mean" She waves her hand at me, and then found a black dress she's going to wear tonight.

"I'm scared the fact that I do know you mean" I shivered and look back at the mirror. 

"Ok, awkward moment. Anyway I'm going to take a quick shower and then you can go after me. We'll both get ready to look amazing and have all eyes us on tonight" She says walking out of her closet to the bathroom, well more dancing out. She's swinging her hips like she is practicing her moves on the dance floor, if the place has one. I lay the dress gently on the bed and walked towards the shelves of shoes. Seeing which of them is safe for me walk in them....or even dance.

An hour later, Lindy and I both showered and got dressed. I allowed her to do my makeup, only if  she keeps it simple: added a little eyeliner, blush and highlighter on my cheeks to give a little more showoff of my facial features . She had me sitting at vanity, seeing our reflection in the desk mirror. Debating what to do with my hair, it's long, thick and with loose curls. I want it down to frame my face, but Lindy already prepping it into a high ponytail.

"Do you really think my hair should be pulled up?" I cringed at the stress I see in my facial expression as Lindy pulls my long curly brown hair into a high ponytail.

"Yes, it gives a better view your face, I don't understand why you want to hide?" She wrap the tie around my hair. Gently pulling out my baby hairs so it can set around my face.

"I don't know" I shrugged my shoulders. Trying to tug up the dress but Lindy keeps gently hitting hand away. "Stop it, be happy I am even letting do this intense makeover" I'm trying to cover up a little more cleavage but there's no such luck since this dress basically has built-in pushup bra. It's so tight, hard for me to breathe in promptly.

"This is not just a makeover" She spins me around the chair, setting her hands onto my shoulders to get better look at my face. "I'm trying to make you look like yourself again, well at least look at your confident self. The last four years, it's been school, school, school. Ever since Ty ran-" I cover her mouth with my hand, not caring if I get her red lipstick on my palm.

"I know and I love you for that. Honestly I forgot all about him. I moved on" I said while using my other hand, moving my pointer finger of a circular motion to show my fake smile plastered on my face. "I'm happy. Ok?" I'm hoping my words get through Lindy's head.

"Well..." She trying to talk with my hand still on her mouth, but she removes it before smuggling more of her makeup. "I get it. Sorry for bringing him up" Grabbing the soft shimmer lip-gloss off the desk to finish I hope the final touches of my makeup. "I just want you to fun, let loose, I mean when was the last time you know" she said while she is lightly putting the gloss on my lips.

I don't want to tell her that I haven't been with anyone else since him. I had a couple boyfriends over the years, both got pretty serious but never too far. I mean I'm not prude, I just don't sleep around. Sex is a very intimated and vulnerable thing to me, exposing yourself to another person. Don't give me wrong, I give myself a little more extra time in the shower sometimes.

"Yeah, I am not answering that" Shaking my head, trying to forget her invasive commentary about my nonexistent sex life.

"Sorry, never mind. Let's forget about it" She giggled, grabbed my hands to slowly pull off the chart, taking in front of the standing mirror again to show me her creation. "So what do you think?" Putting her hands together, admiring her work.

I grasped, I pushing my baby hair back behind my ears, turning my cheek side to side to look at my reflection. Seeing this glittery girl in the mirror, realizing it's me. But a better version of myself, more sexier. The dress Lindy picked out for me, framed my curves perfectly now I can stand up. The dress is down to mid thigh, and the nude heels makes my legs look longer. She was right about keeping my hair out of my face. I almost forgotten how I use look  put together when I go out with her. Standing in front of the mirror, I put my hands on full hips and turn to my side to see all of me.

"Damn, I'm still jealous over your ass" Lindy said, playfully stomped her heel like a child.

I turn to face her and said "Lindy, we both know, in this friendship between the two of us, you're still the best-looking" Titling my head to side, looking up and down at her. This girl was voted most beautiful from freshman to senior in high school, and most likely to marry a millionaire.

Lindy flipped hair and smiled, proving my point. "Yeah, I just wanted you to say it" She laughed, stepping beside me, so we can look at us in the mirror. "We are going to be the finest girls there"

"Yeah" Looking to the mirror, second guessing this look.

"Ok, we need to leave now, before you change mind again" Lindy grabs my hand pulling me away, heading out her bedroom. We have our purses and phones in our hands, looking at ourselves one last time in the mirror by the front door. I tried to keep telling myself that we are going to have the best night our lives. I'm going to the best night of my life. I need this, I worked my ass off, I did well in school, I got great a job starting on Monday. I deserved one night to have fun and be young. Hopefully Lindy doesn't get herself into trouble tonight, where I end up taking care of her.

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