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When I finally got to his house from the hospital. I need him to hold me and tell me that everything will be okay, even though I know it's a lie. I need to kiss me, to feel his love for through his soft lips. To hug me, his arms wrapped around my waist, my tear-stained cheeks pressed against his hard chest, telling me he loves me. I need to know why he didn't come to the hospital to see me, to see if I'm alive. Yes, I know it is a little dramatic, but I don't know give a shit, I been through this incredible lost and I need him to explain himself.

I knocked on the door lightly, not wanting to wake up his parents. I even texted him to let me in or should I just go to his bedroom window like the old times. Okay, three missed calls, I'm starting to get worry. After, I cussed out the robotic lady on the phone, I hung up and shoved my phone into my back pocket of my jeans.

I went to the bench on the house's porch and looked under it. Of course, his parents keeps a spare key tapped under the bottom of the bench. I remember when we were eleven and we sneaked out of his house to the gas station around 2 a.m. in the morning, buying too much junk food. When we got back, the bedroom window was shut and locked. So, we went to the front door instead. He made me promise to never let him forget where his family's housekey is. 

I unlocked the door, slowly opening, just wide enough for me to get enter the house, then quietly closing it behind me. I walked to his bedroom, inviting myself into his room.

"Babe?" I whispered. There is no answer.

"I know, you're not actually sleeping" I said while bouncing on the bed trying to wake him up.

When I pulled the covers of bed, it's empty. There's nothing but a letter.

I unfold the letter, reading what it says, not realizing it was going to break my heart even more than it already was. He left without saying goodbye. Telling me, he will always love me. Saying he sorry, but it is for the best for the both of us. I known him my entire life, he's the only person in my life that never hurt me, and now another person broke on my heart.

I can't breathe, I can't see, I can't feel my body, the room is spinning. I'm getting dizzy, thank God I'm already sitting on the bed or I'll be on the floor right now. I don't understand why he left. I decided to be in denial, not beliving it's real. So I got up and went across his bedroom to turn on the light by his door. When the light fills his room, I went to the closet, sliding them open and seeing nothing again. No clothes, couple shoes left on the floor, a few boxes on the top shelf. I turn around, walking to his nightstand. Pulling the small drill opened, it's empty. All there is a picture of us when we were thirdteen years old in the living room of my house. It was my family's tradition taking a picture before leaving for the first day of school. I didn't realized he kept it, but now I guessed it wasn't worth to hang on to either, since he just left it in his nightstand. Like how he left me.

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