Chapter 2

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I rolled onto my side, I can feel the warm sun hitting my face. I must of fell asleep after speaking to father and forgot close the curtains on the window. Summer is almost over, consider the heat on my face, the day is definitely going to be seventy-five degrees today. I go into the bathroom, to take a shower. I feel disgusting, from flying in a plane over four hours, spending couple hours putting my bedroom together and passing out the bed. I am desperate to get out of these clothes and wash my body. 

Stepped into the bathroom, turn on the lights. The smell kinda took me by surprise, since when do Aunt Justice likes the smell of lavender. I face the mirror, and surprise I don't look as bad as I thought. I only have worst case of bed head. Turning the shower on, checking the water temperature is warm enough. Stripped down my clothes and got in the shower. Washing my body and face, gives some time to think about Monday. What my first day as a manager is going to be like? Am I going to be the youngest out the staff? (probably yes). What is Simon Pierce like? Will he look over my personal work? In a few years, will I open my Photography Exhibition? Starting to feel the water getting cold, letting me know that I spend too much time in my thoughts. And losing the hot temperature to wash my a hair. 

About fifteen minutes later, I am back into my bedroom. Dried, put on lotion and having on a fresh pair of sweatpants and hoodie. I wasn't planning to leave the house anyway, so why put on a bra? I went to the living room and saw Aunt Justice on the sofa with her laptop on her lap.

"Well, finally you're wake up. It's 2:30 in the afternoon" she said, closing the laptop and setting it on the coffee table. Giving me space to sit with her. "Must of experience some jet leg"

"Yeah, probably. I know I said this like a hundred times, but I again I apre -" Jay grabbed my hand with a light squeeze.

"Mercy, I need to you stop thanking me. Yes, you had" she interrupted me. "Why are you showing so much gratitude? Like you haven't spend whole your childhood and teen years in this house?" she asked with concerned.

"I don't know, I been feeling out place. I was away for college. And yes, I came home for the holidays. But now, I'm back for good. I wonder if this place changed or if I changed" I said, sharing my personal concerns to aunt. 

I see Aunt Justice's eyes light up. "Yeah, it's kinda the point. You're still growing up. Graduated college, a new job and being home again. Of course, everything is going to different and that is a good thing" she let go of my hand, pointed at herself and she continues to say "I mean I've changed the past few years, I met someone who is age appropriate, and makes me feel good about myself. And started taking night classes to finish my degree. And your mom and my sister reconnected again" She smiles at her own successes in life.

"That's great, what made you want to get your degree?" I asked, impressed with my aunt decided to finish her education. Aunt Justice is not just wise woman, also incredibly smart. She got full scholarship at University of Georgia, and only year away to graduate. But at the time, she lost a close friend to gun violence. She decided to leave to support the family. Staying in the neighborhood, and seeing how dangerous it was. It convinced her join to the community crisis center, to give the younger generation guidance away where they came from. It was completely admiral.

"Robert" she grins at one-worded answer, like it holds so much meaning. "He believes that when I become a social worker, I'll know how to avoid getting manipulated by the system, and the kids can get into special programs" I tell she's passionate about the cause. "I never thought a club owner can have such a good heart"

"How did you two meet?" I asked, completely intrigued with her new romance. Jay had many admirers when I was a teenager. She told me that the love her of life broke her heart, and she was never going to open up her heart to anyone again. My fourteen years old self didn't understand why someone would do that. She told that he was her love, not his. Their relationship was complicated, she wanted to get marry and have family with him. While he wanted to keep his options open. Which one of his options found out that she was pregnant with his child. He cut off all tires with my aunt, and married the other woman by next month. Cruel thing is that they're still married, and pregnant with baby number four. You know what the say curiosity killed the cat. Jay recently created her Facebook account, and showing friend suggests, one of them was her heartbreaker. I still don't understand why they are Facebook friends. They liked each other's pictures. I guess, young love can be easily moved on from.

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