Chapter 5

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I don't know where I am, or what I'm doing. But what I do know is that everything feels amazing. Dancing on the dance floor, swinging my hips to the right and left, and my hands are playing with my hair. The alcohol is taking over my entire body, and my mind feels like it flowing. I had three shots back to back, after having drink Lindy's boyfriend paid the last round. 

Jason is his name, he's tall and little older than Lindy. We're both turning twenty-three this year, and he is thirty years old. He's wearing a simple black buttoned up shirt with matching slacks. His skin dark, and his handsome face had a nice cut beard, but his eyes are beautiful chocolate brown. Lindy is a fool for men with big dark eyes. Strangely, they have a few things in common: they both are stepping up in their careers. He's the new manager to a rising R&B singer, which explains how we got into the club. 

Lindy and I were having another round, while I saw a handsome man with a finger upon his lips signaling me to keep quiet, and he kissed her cheek. Of course, she jabbed her elbow into his stomach, turning her seat to face the injured man. She was kissing him on the mouth, and yelling at him to never don't scare her again. Jason introduce himself to me, congregating me for being home and the new job.

Apparently, Lindy talked about her life and me non-stop about during one their memorial nightcaps. It was like their fourth date, and after dinner they end at her place, sitting on the couch and drinking coffee. They talked until the sunrise, listening to Jason sharing their story to me and seeing how Lindy can't take her eyes off him. Reflects that she's really falling for him. He keeps his hand on her waist and leaning his head on the side of hers. "Babe, you good?" he asked. I glad he's here so taking care of Lindy is his job. I love how he making sure she's ok.

"Yeah, but...I would love another drink, please?" Lindy flashing her eyelashes at him. 

"Of course" he rolled eyes and grinned. "What about you, Mercy? Do you want anything?" He faced me to see if I want another drink. I asked for same of my best friend's, Jason gave Lindy a quick kiss on her lips, and walked to the side of the bar to gain Alex's attention.

I had fanned my face with my hand as he walked away from us. "Damn, he is handsome" I said to Lindy. Keeping my eyes on him, impress with my best friend's taste had advanced since her last relationship. She had a pattern for going for the bad boys. Even when we were ten years watching movies, she was crushing on the villain of the story. Then in high school, she dated assholes who end up cheating on her a couple months later. But now, she got herself a gentleman that cannot keep his hands off of her. "How?" facing her, so I can know all the details. 

"Well, I was interviewing a costume designer for this new music video or whatever. It's a segment about dressing to create characters in the media for my blog. Anyway, he just  walked in during the interview. Apologized for interrupting, because it was the wrong room and left" she's grinning so hard that clenched her jaw.

"Okay? There's gotta be more than that, right?" That can't be it. Lindy is known for making the first move and chasing after things she wants. Or who she wants.

"Yeah, I bullshit an excuse to find a restroom to pause the interview. And I wandered around to find him again. About ten minutes later, I heard music by some door, looked through the window and saw him" she started giggling. "I was waving my hand like crazy fucking groupie, trying to get his attention. Well I did, he came out of the studio. I asked for his number and bam! Now I'm taken!" I love seeing her smile.

"Still crazy" Shaking my head while laughing with her. I wished I had her confidence. Lindy can stop literally, well I'm guessing it was studio session by one look.

"Yeah, that woman I was interviewing, probably thought I was shitting myself" she shrugged her shoulders, turning her body so she can set her eyes on Jason again. I do the same, while making a quick glance at Lindy. I'm trying to ignore the jealousy creeping in, because I am happy for my best friend. Lindy deserves a good man that treats her well.

"Drinks for two beautiful women" Jason said, placing our drinks in front of us. I'm already sipping down, to gain the warmth back into my cheeks.

"Ok, ok, pace yourself" Lindy tapped on my glass. "You been swallowing alcohol for the past twenty minutes, why don't we get you some water?" Lindy turned over to Jason, asking to bring us some water.

"No...I'm fine. You know what" I raised my eyebrows. "I feel like dancing" I yelled. Sliding off my chair and heading to the dance floor.

"Is she usually like this?" I heard Jason asking his girlfriend if her best friend is okay. The universe is in a reverse, I was the responsible one, making sure Lindy got home safely, while she was out of control. Tonight, the role fallen onto me, and I am perfectly comfortable with the new dynamic of our friendship. And the answer to Jason's original question, I guessing he didn't think I heard him earlier is no I am not. But right now, I don't give a fuck.

The crowd is feeling the music, people invading each others' spaces, closing the distance of their bodies. I don't honestly care how I look like in the public's eye, I don't care that grinding my ass on someone behind me right now. I see a pretty girl is in front of me, smiling and swinging around. We laced of fingers together and rising them in the air. I felt a breath on my neck, "Sexy, slow it down for me" that voice made my skin crawled. I turned around and see an older man that's standing way too close to me. His hands are gripping my hips, pulling me closer. "Don't stop" he said, one of hands moving up to my shoulders.

I pushed both hands off me. "Yeah, get off of me" I hissed. Backing away before he can come even closer, but he grabbed my arm, sliding his grip down to my wrist. "Stop" I'm struggling to pull my hand free.

"Relax, you were clearly enjoying yourself" the man pulled me closer again. He raised his hand to cheek, trying to pull in me for a kiss.

"I said No. Stop." Shaking my head. "Get away from me!"

"She said 'Stop', let her the fuck go!" Another guy pulled my attacker from behind. Grabbing his collar of the shirt with two hands. "Get the fuck out of here, before I put on the ground" Shoving him away from the both of us. The guy turned around to face me. We both grasped.

No. No. Please no. I can't breathe, my head has mind games with me. It couldn't possibly...


"Jackson?" Everything goes black.

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