Chapter 6

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"Babygirl, please get out of bed" my dad said as he coming into my bedroom.

I pulled my blanket to cover my face. I don't want him seeing me cry. I had been crying myself to sleep the past two weeks since my boyfriend abandoned me. I still haven't heard anything from him. No phone calls, no text messages, no letters, absolute zero communication. The most fucked up thing he never came to the hospital to see me. I know we been having problems in our relationship lately, but this is new low even for him.

My blanket is pulled off of me, my dad scolded at me until he saw my red eyes and tear-stained pillowcases. "Come here" he sat at the side of the bed with his arms open. I moved towards him, to allow him embrace me. "He ain't worth your tears, I told that piece of shit that I would kill him if he ever hurt you." I smiled against his chest, because I know my dad's being half serious.

"I just don't understand why" I cried, getting more of my tears on his shirt. "I don't know what's worst, knowing he ended things or the way how he ended things between us." My heart broke the moment I saw his bedroom empty, and my heart is completely shattered, every tiny pieces are turning into crumbs. 

The last time we said "I love you" to each other was that morning, kissing me goodbye and sneaking out my bedroom window. It was literally another day for us, we saw each other again at school. Kissing against by my locker, distracting him, trying to tell me something important, but I didn't care since I had his mouth on mine. My arms were wrapped his neck, feeling his hair against my fingers, telling him about the huge party that night. He agrees to come, like he can ever say no to me. At that party, everything went to shit.

"I don't know either, but I want you to know that I will ever leave you. Okay?" my dad resting his head on top of mine, tighten his arms.

"Thanks, dad" Exhale a shaking breath. "Can you just leave me alone, please?"

Releasing me, so I can lay back down. He picks my blanket and tuck me in. I felt a kiss on my forehead. "Yeah, but if you need anything. I'll be in my office" Hearing my bedroom door closes. My quiet vocal cries was fell out of mouth.

"Mercy?" I heard a deep voice, pulling me back to reality. Opening my eyes, I see dark blue wall with photographs of people performing on the stage. A large table full of beverages and snacks. Shaking my head, I noticed I lying on some couch, in a suspicious room. Turning my head slightly to the right, I saw him. 

"You alright?" I can hear the concern in his voice. "Do you need anything?"

Jackson, the first boy I liked, and the young man I fell in love with. He looks the same yet different. It's frustrating to see how incredible good-looking he is. Staring at his face, acknowledging the facial details, a fresh haircut, and the same brown eyes I get lost in. The changes of the way he dresses now from back then, before it was just any basic t-shirt and sweatpants. I feel my lips setting in a small smile, when I notice he still wear nikes on his feet. I quickly dropped my smile, hoping he didn't notice. The tan color oversize crewneck, with the dark cargos looks good. The same gold chain with a locket is around his neck, I pray it's the same one when we were teenagers. I remember his dad giving it to him on his sixteen's birthday, promising to never take it off.

I turn my head back, facing the floor. I can't stand being near him. In this moment, I'm glad that I am still very intoxicated because I can't handle this right now. Inhaling my shaking breath, trying to unscramble my thoughts. You know what people say is to think before say or act.

"I know, you're probably in shock right now. But can you say something? Anything?" his pleads is starting to piss me off. I haven't heard from him for almost five years, and now he has the audacity to ask for me to speak. "I just need to know you good." And just like that I'm set off.

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