Chapter 4

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Lindy and I got out of our Uber, and walked across the street to what looks like a warehouse. I started rubbing my arms up and down, wishing I brought a light jacket. The cold windy air is brushing against my bare skin making me shiver. The line sketched down to the end of the block, I hope the wait isn't too long. 

Lindy looked to side from the end of the line and raised her hand in the air, giving her best flirty look. I do the same, minus the flirtatious expression - I wanted to see who's Lindy trying to get their attention. I spot a large gentleman with a dark suit on, I assume he's security of the club. As he rise his head, he sees Lindy, gesturing her to come to the front.

"Ok, you ready?" she asked, checking if I'm all good to have our night start. I nodded my head with a small smile on my face. I gently hold her hand, walking past people in line. I never skipped the line before, weirdly feel uncomfortable cutting to the front. 

"Hey Prince, thank you. How does it look inside?" Lindy asked the bouncer.

"It's packed, be careful, alright. I'll him know you're inside. You ladies have fun" he response back, and let us by to get to the double doors.   

"This place is crazy" I say, taking in my surroundings. The area is gigantic, it's so dark like a blackout. Bright twinkle lights are covering the whole ceiling gives enough lightning to see where you're going. One side of the place, there's a large stage with a Dj's mixing the records while the dancers swinging their hips side to side on the stage with him. The other side, there is a bar, with tiny lights hanging around the counter tops. Total of eight barters taking people's beverage orders. The team worked well together, sliding around each other's spaces, serving drinks and managing without breaking a sweat. Mass of people are in the center of the room, dancing extremely close together, I noticed there's some crowds up top on the balcony having conservations and drinking while listening to the Dj's set. Honestly, the beats of the music are blasting in my ears.

I'm still hanging onto Lindy, one of the most important silent girl rule for being at a public setting: we stay together, so we don't lose each other. "I told you I was the giving you the best night your life!" Lindy yelled back to me, trying to heard over the music, as she dragging me through the crowd of people towards the bar. 

"Hey Pretty girl" the guy said behind the bar, by his and Lindy's strong eye contract - they know each other really well.

"Alex" Lindy smiles, reaching over the counter to give him a quick kiss his cheek. "Mercy, meet my cheating boyfriend Alex," putting her arm around his shoulders. "Babe, this is Mercy, my best friend who abandoned me to get herself educated and shit" she grins at me.

"Do not believe anything that comes out of her mouth" I laughed, joining into her little dramatic performance.

"Girl, trusts, Lindy always had a big mouth" Alex joining in the laugh. "Just to make sure there's no confusion, I'm gay" he said as gently brushing Lindy's arm off of him.

"Whatever, you know you want this" Lindy rolled her eyes. "Anyway two vodka lemonades, top shelf, please" she ordered our drinks. One drink won't hurt.

"Vodka lemonades, got it" Alex turns around to make our beverages.

"You okay, I can tell Alex to make yours a single, Lindy suggests, I can tell she trying to ease my discomfort. "I know, this place can be little...much."

I silently agree, looking around my surroundings again, taking in the whole nightclub experience. I forgotten what fun looks like. Hearing people's laughter by the bar, I see someone signaling the Dj's to wrap it up. He must just been the opener for the main event. The crowd is growing quickly, I guess everyone's excited for whoever is performing tonight. I decided I need to stop being so socially awkward and enjoy my night out with my best friend I missed.

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