Chapter 9

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The annoying beeping sound coming from my phone, signaling my alarm is going is off: 7am. I turned my head to side, and tapped the screen to silence it. Laying back on my bed to stare at the ceiling. First day of work, I'm nervous yet very excited. I honestly don't know how this day is going to go, but I know there's nothing I can't handle. I get out of bed, and walked to my closet where I hung my outfit that I picked out last night. I was so indecisive, that after giving up on outfit number four, I end up FaceTiming Lindy for her help. We agreed on the cream fitted button-down top, with the distressed straight jeans and nude booties. Gold jewelry will compliment my skin tone and gives myself a sense of luxury while keeping it semi-causal; that's how Lindy explained it. 

After I got out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around my wet body. Brushed my teeth, putting face cream upon my face, and lotion my rest of my body. I got dressed, and start doing my hair. I always loved my curls but they can be such a pain sometimes. I remember, how my mom brushed my hair too hard when I was a child. She kept telling me that I will grow out of being tender-headed. Putting few drops of hair-oils at my ends and using my fingers to comb through the rest of my hair. I'm satisfied how it looks. I go back to the bathroom to wash my hands before I start doing my makeup. 

I sat at my vanity, and begin my makeup routine. Nothing too special, I always kept it simple. Aunt Jay taught me that the best way for to put on makeup is to keep it looking natural while showing off your best facial figures. My favorite are my eyes, the bold brown color eyes with long lashes. I create a tiny wing for each eye to make them to look sharper, once I put on mascara and then setting spray. I'm pleased with my appearance, so I grabbed my purse and keys and head out.

My dad dropped off my car last night, he wasn't pleased to see hangover when I answered the front door. I didn't have to tell him the full story why, all I said that Jacks is back. Seeing my dad's expression that he was surprised as much as I was. He laid his hand on my right shoulder and asked if I was okay. Considering that I may still have leftover alcohol coursing through my stomach right now, the answer is no. After breaking down in front of my aunt, and I cleaned up my teared cover face, I felt a little better. But the confusion of this whole situation is still going around my head, yet I don't think it's the top-shelf vodka that's making me dizzy.

We all sat at the kitchen table, eating Chinese takeout that Aunt J ordered. We didn't discuss what happened that night or the one that shall not be named. Because, there's no point I rather spend time with my family. We talked about how I'm feeling about tomorrow, I lied stating that I have no nerves, so I can move to a different topic for conservation. My dad asked if I heard from your mom. I glanced at his face, and looked down at my bowl of fried rice. 

My mom and I are kinda in a weird limbo of our relationship. She's been intense lately, focused on work - wanting to meet her deadlines for submitting her articles. Plus with the time difference, it's almost impossible for us to communicate to each other; when's she calls in her morning, I'm sleeping at my nighttime. I can't remember if she spend the summer in Italy or India, I mean pretty sure the location started with the letter "I". I got her video message last week, apologizing how we keep missing each other, but she promised that she will back for my birthday. I hope so since it's in two weeks from today. I really do miss my mom, it just last year was a lot for the both of us. The last year of college, and finding a job after graduation, while she was traveling around the world and writing about it. Safe to say we were both quite busy. My mother completely understands why I couldn't travel with her this summer when I was in the progress of moving back home. She is still a little disappointed that I made the decision to return home. She wanted me to travel and have adventures before I settle in my adulthood. I think, she's worried that I will miss out of all the excitement during my youth. Hoping that I don't have a midlife crisis and start over like she did. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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