Chapter 1

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The flight from Washington State to Atlanta, Georgia took almost five hours. But it was totally worth it, because after graduating college I landed my dream job - thanks to my father. Knowing that I did not need his help.

Pierce Gallery of Photos, Simon Pierce is the hottest photographer this year, and being his manager of his gallery is incredible. I have the opportunity to study his work and improve mine. Hopefully, Simon will take the time to see my portfolio to see if I have potential. If I truly have artistic talent, hopefully I do.

I waiting outside of the airport's doors for my Aunt J to come pick me up. She said she'll be by noon and it was already noon, twenty minutes ago. I hope she didn't forget, knowing her, she may be just got out of bed. I am thankful for her, for letting me live with her until I get on my own place. 

Aunt Justice is the most amazing woman, well besides my mom. She lives in the moment, living everyday like it's hers last, which it is ironic because she's only forty-six years old and has a body of a twenty-six year. No kids, many boyfriends who is my age, owning a three bedroom house sold to her from our old family friend we were known forever. Honks coming from her car, snapped me to reality. Jay waving her hand out of the driver's side window, signaling me to come and get in.

"Oh my God, look at you! So beautiful, you haven't change at all. How old are you now, fifteen?" She jokes as soon I hopped into her car after putting my suitcases in the backseat. Hugging me on her right side. Laying my head onto her shoulders like I did when I was a child. Telling her secrets that I would never told my mom. Gently pushing me out, so she can get a good look at me again. 

"Nope, twenty-two. You went to my graduation, and that was only three months ago," I said with a smile, knowing she just joking.

"Mercy, I know that. But you will always be my little girl!" Grabbed my arm, pulling me into a hug again, ignoring the car behind us. Jay raising the middle finger to the driver behind us while still holding onto me.

"I missed you too," saying to her hair. Hugging her even tighter. "Thank you again for letting stay you until I get on my feet."

She release me while keeping her hands on my shoulders. "There's no need to thank me, you can live me as long you need." Turned to the sterling wheel, setting to drive to pull onto the street. I put my seatbelt on, and turned to face the woman who gracefully enough to let me live with her. 

After 40 minutes of driving through the traffic and catching up on each other's lives. Aunt J changed a little over this past year, now she start a relationship with new man. His name is Robert, he's thirty-seven years old and owns the new club in the city. I can tell she really likes him, she smiles when talks about him. He can apparently keep up with her adventurous spirit, she got him to go zip lining during their summer trip in Puerto Rico, and go dancing at beach club. Aunt J got him to do other interesting things. Last weekend, he wanted to her to fancy restaurant with a live band, but instead she dragged him to blackout restaurant. He kept knocking down the waiter's tray full of food. And quickly realized trying to feed each other wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do. She kept getting the chocolate covered strawberry gently stabbed into her eye. We're heading off to her house. I couldn't stop laughing, picturing her trying to get chocolate out of her eye. 

I kinda envy her love life, when mine is nonexistent. Sure, I mean I went on few dates and a couple steady boyfriends. but I don't know it felt like I couldn't put whole heart in it. Jay asked me if I'm seeing anyone, I gave her my little smile. She knows what that smile meant, and moved the conversation away from my single situation and continues to drive into the neighborhood.

 After a couple blocks, we pulled into her driveway. The house still looked the same, medium size with the black and white outer interior with the navy color door. I bet the steps of the porch still creaked loudly like it was always do, hanging pots with the yellow flowers hanging above the windows and even the white Christmas lights are up - Auntie J insisted that they can also be use as everyday house decorations. Of course, I nodded to agree with her, there's nothing wrong with a little extra light at night. As cheesy it sounds they do light the way to the door.

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