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"Nixon! Nixon! Nixon!" Bridget heard the crown cheering from the locker room.

"Hurry up, Tiffany!" Bridget yelled. "The skates have to be here somewhere!"

8th grade Bridget and her best friend Tiffany were quickly scurrying through the locker room looking for her ice skates.

"I'm trying!" Tiffany responded. "I can't find them."

"They have to be here somewhere!" Bridget responded frustrated. Just then, Bridget's coach barged into the room. "What are you doing? You should be out there right now!"

"I can't find my skates." Bridget cried.

"Here, just take mine! Now hurry!"

Bridget sprinted for the ice rink. She swiftly put them on and glided onto the ice. She inhaled harshly and exhaled. She waved to the stands and glided to the middle of the rink and waiting for the music to start playing.

The music started to play and Bridget quickly started to glide around the ice.

Kristin Bandli , Bridgets opponent, snuck into the locker room while Bridget was performing. She grabbed grabbed her own pair of skates and began tearing the blades off of each shoe. She began to tear the blades off of other pairs of skates. Kristin didn't care whose skates were whose, but it was all part of the plan.

Kristin snuck back out of the locker room and walked towards the judges table. As she walked, she watched Bridget do her double axels on the ice. Like always, jealousy filled Kristin's mind.

The music finally stopped and Bridget curtsied and skating of the ice while the crowd cheered. Kristin tapped one of the judges shoulders and whispered something in there ear. The judges discussed something quietly and all nodded.

"What do you think they are talking about?" Tiffany asked Bridget as she got off the ice.

"I don't know? Maybe she's trying to bribe them." Bridget joked.

Bridget stood by the bleachers, ready to watch the next skater when security began to follow Kristin into the locker rooms. Bridget looked behind her and watched but shrugged it off.

Few minutes go by and it was finally time for the ranks. Bridget stood with pride and excitement. She already thought she was gonna win since she won so many competitions prior.

Bridget, Tiffany, Coach Tremblay, and her family stood with there hopes up. All was shattered when they heard the speakers say, "Bridget Nixon has been disqualified from the competition."

Everyone gasped in shock. "What? What did I do?" She asked Tiffany and her coach.

"Young lady, I'm gonna need you to follow me." One of the security guards suggested. The three followed him into the locker room. "You were the last one in the locker room before Kristin Bandli, right?"

"What? I don't know. Probably. Why do you ask?"

"Because you are suspected to have done this." He showed the locker room with broken skates and blades over the floor.

"Me? No, that wasn't me!"

"Officer..." Coach Tremblay said. "I can assure you that she didn't do this."

"Then why is her skates the only ones not broken?"

"These aren't mine. They are my coaches." Bridget admitted.

"The where are yours?"

"I don't know!"

Few hours after an interrogation, Bridget was sent into a room with some people in suits. They are part of the figure skating committee.

"Please take a seat, Mrs. Nixon."

Bridget sat down.

"There is no need to lie. All the signs lead to you."

"I'm telling you the truth! I didn't do it!"

"Then who did it?." One man asked.

"I don't know!"

"Look Bridget, what you did violates many rules in the code of conduct of figure skating. Vandalism is very bad in general and highly illegal!" The lady said.

"But I didn't do it-"

"Bridget, I understand that sometimes it's tough to be a young kid out in a world like this. However, acts like this deserve a punishment. I'm not gonna be to harsh because you have potential but I'm going to have to suspend you." The lady explained.

"A suspension!" Coach Tremblay shouted.

"For how long?" Bridget croaked.

"Approximately 8,767 hours."

"You could've just said two years, Mrs. Bridgerton." Bridget rolled her eyes.

"Two years! That's crazy!" Coach yelled.

"Rules are rules." The lady shrugged. "I'll see you again someday." The group of people walked out leaving the two along in the room.

"Do you know how embarrassing this is, Bridget!" Mrs. Nixon yelled in the front seat of the car with Bridget in the passengers seat.

"Mom, i'm telling the truth! I didn't do it!"

"I just can't look at you, right now." Her mother cried. "How are we ever gonna tell your father such thing?"

Bridget signed and looked out the window holding back her frustrated tears.

"He will be furious! You had so much potential! You could've gotten an athletic scholarship to Eden hall like your brothers!"

"I'm sorry." Bridget whispered.

Bridget at the start of 8th grade was so close to high school. Her being suspended wouldn't have given her enough time to get an athletic scholarship to Eden Hall Academy.

Ice burn//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now