Board Meeting

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On Saturday, the JV hockey team plus Banks attended the board meeting with members of the board and the dean. The varsity hockey team tagged along too. I came as well just to see the look on Rick's face when Bombay comes in and convinces the board to keep the Duck's scholarships.

"Just get over it, Bridget. You lost." Rick whispered to me.

"Do I have a motion for reconsideration?" The dean asked.

The board shook their heads and looked around for any objections in silence.

"I'm sorry, coach, but unless their is a motion from a board member and a second, the decision must stand." The dean finished.

Rick and his boys smirked mischievously at one another. Rick lowered down to my ear. "Don't you ever make a bet with me again, princess. Alright?" He whispered.

Everyone stayed silent. Before anyone could leave, we all heard the door from the room open and close. In came in Coach Bombay with a briefcase. A smirk grew onto my face.

"We aren't done yet, loverboy." I smiled. Ricks eyes grew wide.

"Dean Buckley, members of the board." Bombay greeted. "As a council for Coach Orion and the freshman hockey team, i'm here today to set forth your legal options so that you make the best possible decision for all parties concerned." He exclaimed as he walked down the room.

Bombay glanced at me and smiled. I nodded in exchange.

"Mr. Bombay, this isn't a legal proceeding." The dean claimed.

"Not yet, but i can assure you that it will be." Bombay responded.

"You brought an attorney?" Rick questioned towards me.

"Dont underestimate my abilities, Riley." I crossed my arms.

Bombay handed the dean his briefcase and pulled out the Duck's scholarships from it.

"These scholarships, an offer, became a binding contract upon the signatures of the recipients and acceptance by the ducks." Bombay exclaimed, walking around the room. "They cannot be voided except for cause which, I guarantee you, you have none. Should you decide to pursue their cancellation? I will slap you with an injunction."

A smirk began to grow on my face.

"I will tie this matter up in court for years, until long after these kids go to college, and I will collect damages. I will win." He argued. "Because I am very, very good at what I do."

Everyone began exchanging glances at one another.

"You wanna know why i'm so good?" Bombay asked. "Because I had a good education. You gave it to me, and you gonna give it to these kids."

"This is ridiculous." Rick pleaded.

"We aren't even done yet, sunshine." I smirked.

"Some of you may be snobbish enough to believe that that these ducks don't belong in Eden Hall-."

"They don't." Rick whispered to me.

"Shut the hell up already and let the man finish!" I quietly retorted.

"Let me tell ya, you are dead wrong. These are remarkable you people. You give them their full shot, and I promise you they will succeed. Not only on the ice, but in the classrooms as well." Bombay complimented. "These people are my friends, and I know what they can do."

Bombay walked to the front of the table. "Accordingly, I demand that you reinstate their scholarships, for their benefit and for your own."

Coach Orion shook Bombay's hand and smiled. "I didn't know you were coming." Orion told him.

Ice burn//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now