War Against Riley and Banks

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The next day, I saw Julie, Adam, and Goldberg walking in the hallway. I ran up behind them and said hi.

"Why do you always hang out with us? Aren't you a sophomore?" Goldie asked.

"Yea, but I hate everyone else so." I shrugged.

I noticed the Adam was trying to avoid eye contact and I didn't understand why.  He kept looking straight or towards Julie's direction as if he didn't have the left side of his face. "I gotta go, Julie." he muttered then went the other way.

I glanced at him with a worried face. "What's wrong with, Adam?" I asked Julie.

Goldberg went to speak but Julie was quick enough to cover his mouth.

"We don't know." She shrugged.

Goldberg furrowed his eyebrows along with me.

"I'll go check on him-."

"Noooo, Bridget." Julie said grabbing my wrist. I give here a weird look.

"I'm sure he's just tired." Julie smiled.

I glance at Adam in the distance then back and Julie.

"If you say so." I replied.

"Hey Bridget, since you've been injured for a little bit now, what do you even do in your free time anymore?" Goldberg asked.

"Well I just study. I got all my extra credit done for this week plus 40 stacks of flash cards for classes I don't even take." I grinned

"Why would you do that?" Julie asked.

"Pfft, I don't even know. Maybe i'll make a profit off of it." I shrugged.

Goldberg and Julie exchanged glances. "How so?" They asked in unison.

"Well, I'll charge 2 bucks for each stack. Then as more people buy my flash cards, the more i'll start charging." I explained.

"What will you do with the money?"

I thought for a moment. "I don't know. Pride." I shrugged.

The next few periods, Julie, Goldberg, and I were working on setting up my little study business.

"So, I made a few flyers and I sent them to the printer in the printing room." Julie said.

"Cool, I'll go pick them up." I said. "You guys focus on organizing."

"You seriously trust Goldberg with that?" Julie asked.

"Yeah, Julie you will focus on organizing the flash cards."

"What do I do then?" Goldberg asked.

"Just focus on not ruining anything." I say as I walk towards the other side of the hallway.

"Does she know that her leg is still broken and that she might need help getting the papers." Julie whispered to Goldberg.

"She'll be fine." Greg Goldberg waved his hand.

Laughing could be heard down the other hallway and I looked down and saw Conway with a tall Blonde boy with his back facing me.

"Oh, she's coming?" Charlie mumbled.

"Who?" Almost immediately the boy knew who Charlie was talking about when he heard the sounds of the clicking crutches approaching behind him.

"Adam?" I questioned softly. "How are you doing? You've been very distant lately."

Adam sighed and spun around. He was wearing sunglasses.

I gave him a confused look. "Are you on something?"

Ice burn//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now