Maybe Fixed Problems

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Kristin was out of my hair. But as pleasing as it sounded, I couldn't help but feel bad for the girl. She was so blinded by perfection. One slight screw up and she would've been done. It actually made me glad that I never snitched on her. Getting caught for her sabotaging probably would've sent her parents into cardiac arrest and maybe even send her to those ridiculous teenage wilderness therapy camps.

"Yeah, and she only wanted the goat so she could let it be set free then ruined the arena and then you would get in trouble for it." Lacey explained as we walked down the hall. I nodded understandingly.

"Hm. Figures."

"I'm sorry about the competition. Are you coming back next year?" Lacey asked. "I was talking to Smirnoff and she was actually talking about how she regretted not putting you on the team. she felt that the divide between you and the team is what caused the disruption between you and Kris."

I laughed at her comment. "Even if I was on the team, we still would've been at each others throats. In fact, we would've been divided anyways." We continued to walk. "Did Smirnoff actually say I was a good skater?"

"I mean, she always did, I thought. It's just you just held a bad rep and Smirnoff didn't want that for the team. But then Kris totally knocked you out at the competition. So it just shows that anyone could have a bad rep. Plus, I think the majority of people forgot what happened to you in middle school." Lacey told me. "I mean, it was middle school, right? We were all immature then."

I shrugged in agreement.

"So, are you coming back next year? Smirnoff would probably be holding a position just for you."

"I'll worry about that in the future." I admit to Lacey. "Right now i'm just trying to get by. You know, I got family issues to worry about, relationship problems. I got enough on my plate."

"I totally get it." She placed her hand on my arm. "But if you do decide to come back, you know where to find us."

I nodded as she removed her hand. "And sorry about the drama and toxicity."

I looked at her and furrowed my eyebrows, waiting for what she has to say next.

"Kristin was most definitely not a fan of you. And with her practically being the queen bee at this school, we all felt obligated to feel the same as she."

"Like a bandwagon."

Lacey giggled embarrassingly. "Yeah. like a bandwagon. But we are different now. And with me becoming a senior next year, i'll be captain, and i'll make sure there aren't any drama or toxicity."

"Cant have a repeat of this year." I laugh.

"Absolutely not!" She laughed. "This year was a total wreck."

"It sure was."

We parted our way as made it to the intersected hallway. With Kris out the way and Skeeter dealing with Rick at the moment, I only had one thing to take care of. Actually I had two. The goat and Bianca. Who am I kidding? They are practically the same thing.

Hans taught me never to be afraid. He told me to not wait till the last minute to admit to something that I knew wasn't right. And with a wedding being planned right around the corner, I knew I had to admit to something before the two stood in the front of the white chapel.

I was leaving for the weekend back to my house, but I stopped in my dorm to grab the goat that I had been hiding in my closet for the past couple of weeks. It was getting to the point that he was little anymore and it would only get more noticeable from here.

The dorms were practically empty so it was a perfect opportunity to sneak him out. I actually had Lacey drive me to the nearest animal shelter where I left the poor goat in hopes of a better life than my messy closet, and she drove me home.

I walked in through the front door and looked in my dads office where he was working. I knocked on the door before I walked in.

He looked up. "How was school, honey?" He asked and went back to work.

"It was good," I started "Is Bianca home?"

He shook his head. "She is at Teagan's game."

"You didn't go?"

He shook his head then looked at me. "What's up?"

I placed my backpack on the ground and sat down in the leather seat that sat before his desk. I tried to speak but no words came out. I didn't even know what to say or how to say it.

My dad looked over at me, took off his glasses, and folded his hands on his desk to give me his full attention. He could tell by my nervous body language that I had to tell him something important.

I laughed nervously and started picking at my cuticles. I had already sat down and my dad is giving me his full attention so I could not back down now.

"Is this about you and Adam?" He smirked.

"No," I shook my head, then looked up. "No, no! Wait, how do you know about that?"

"Do you wanna start the conversation there?"

"No, not really," My dad rolled his eyes at my comment. "I wanted to talk about something else. Something that I had been kinda upset with for a while."

"Is it the divorce?"

I looked up at him for a moment before speaking. "Partly."

"I know it's hard, but your mom and I—"

"I don't care that you and mom split up," I interrupted. "I care that you might be making a bad decision being with Bianca. And, possibly gonna marry her."

There was a silence between us. He didn't say anything. He was waiting for me to continue.

"I don't know if you have been blind to this, but pardon my french, she's kind of a bitch."

My dad chuckled slightly.

"And she is out to get me, for sure. I am not comfortable with her. In fact, I think she belongs in a brothel. I mean look at her," I gesture to her picture sitting on my dads desk. "She hates me, she hates skeeter. She only likes you for your money. All she does at Teagans PeeWee games is show off her diamonds that you get for her, and brag about how rich you are. And I know that may be the hard truth but, she's a total prick."

I dad nodded slowly.

"I mean, she had Teagan and I switch rooms without my consent. Like I literally came home and all my shit was thrown out onto the hallway and all of Teagan hockey gear and starwars figurines were all over MY room—"

"She said you wanted to switch."

"There it is! Dad, she's a fucking liar!" I stood up. "You think I wanted to switch out of my walk in closet, bathroom, large window where a boy can crawl in—or where I can watch the moon—for a cruddy room that's half the size with NO bathroom or walk in closet. IM A GIRL. I need my space!"

My dad sat there and thought for a moment. He leaned back in his chair and looked at her picture.

"Skeeter complained about her too."

"He did?" I questioned.

"Are you sure this isn't because you guys are upset about the divorce?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in disbelief and scoffed. "So is that all it's gonna be. I try stopping you from making dumb decisions, and you fight me on because i'm just upset about the divorce?"

My dad shrugged and looked at me.

"Unbelievable." I mutter. "You know, I regret everything about not convincing to let me live with her in New York. Cause if I knew you weren't gonna put your OWN daughters feelings before Bianca's, I would've been gone a long time ago. The divorce was made for the better, and I missed my chance to leave you behind."

I grabbed my shit in frustration and walked out the front door. I couldn't stay there. I didn't want to. I didn't want to see anyone either, nor did I want them to see me. So I took the bus back to my dorm and decided to stay the night there. I even decided to give my mom a call. I haven't talked to her in a while, I felt.

Ice burn//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now