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I met up with Coach Tremblay and I showed her the skills that I could do. I tried to show her my triple axel but I couldn't do it. I used to be so good at that. That's what I was known for.

1 out of 10 chances I landed a single axel. I guess tryouts were just luck.

"First competition will be next week. I want you to report here everyday after school so we can practice your routine." Coach Tremblay explained. "Are you sure you want to do this? You will be going up against Tiffany."

I looked at my new coach and nodded. "No matter what me and Tiff will always stay friends."

We exchanged glances and I see Hans standing by the boards. Hans was like a father to my father. My father played hockey when he was younger and always got his equipment from his shop. I smiled and waved to him while skating over.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the shop?" I asked.

"Shops closed for right now. I just wanted to see you skate." The old man exclaimed. "I haven't watched you in a while. Your doing pretty good."

I sighed. "I'm actually doing worse than before, Hans."

"You look fine to me. You still have so much room for growth." He assured. "How is your father doing? I haven't spoke to him in a while, either."

My heart dropped once again at the comment. "He has a new girlfriend." I replied bluntly.

"And how do you feel about that?" He asked.

It was silent for a moment. "If he is happy, then I'm happy!" I faked a smile.

"But are you happy?"

I hate when people can look right through me. Hans was that type of person. I loved Hans, but I always felt weak when he asked questions like this.

"... Yes." I hesitated. A loud sigh left Hans' mouth.

"Don't be afraid to admit to things, Bridget." Hans said. "The longer you keep things in, the worse it will hurt."

I looked up at him on the verge of crying. I never felt ashamed for crying, however it was the reaction of other people seeing me cry that made me ashamed. Comforting someone is a sign of people knowing you have a weakness. I don't need comforting because I know I can hold my own.

"... I know." I nodded. "It's just something that i'm gonna have to get used to, that's all." I waved to Hans and skating back to my coach.

Monday, I sat in my music class. The class was filled with multiple kids from multiple grades. I sat next to Julie, who is the Goalie for the JV hockey team.

Even though I barley know Julie, we somehow gain a friendship though no words at all. She sat next to me towards the back of the class. While the teacher was talking, some strange kid that sat on the other side of the class was picking his nose. Me, being the immature child I am, slowly tried to hold in my giggle.

Julie heard me quietly giggling and looked over her shoulder to see the same kid. Both of us began to hold in our laughter. It wasn't a big deal, but let's be real. Everything is funnier when you have to be quiet.

"Ladies in the back!" The teacher called to us. "What was I just talking about?"

Julia and I froze and exchanged glances. "Umm, Wolfgang Thelonious Monk?" "Igor Amadeus Stravinsky?" We both say at the same time.

Ice burn//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now