Fucking Knock

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The sun slowly began to shine through my window. The light hit Adam in the face, he groaned as he woke up. He attempted to get up when he realized that he wasn't in his room. And he wasn't alone.

I laid on top of him sound asleep. Actually half asleep. I woke up moments before but I was so comfortable and refused to leave Adam that I tried to go back to sleep. I felt so safe.

Adam closed his eyes again and righted his grip around me. As he was just getting settled again, there was a burst at my door, causing both of us to jump up.

"Bridget!" My brother called.

"SKEETER!" I yell back at glared at him.

Skeeter looked at me in complete shock.

"Who the fuck is in your bed?" He furrowed his eyebrows in complete confusion.

"Oh my god, Skeeter!" I groan. "This is why we fucking knock. What if we were naked or something!?"

"Y'all had sex?"

"SKEETER! GET OUT!" I threw a pillow at him.

"Wait a minute. Is that a Banks kid? Oh my gosh I played hockey with your brother before!" Skeeter informed happily.

"Oh really?" Adam said awkwardly.

"Yeah, Arien Banks right? He played on the hawks team when we were little." Skeeter walked in and sat on the bed with us. "I was number 94."

"Wait really? That was you?" Adam sat up in complete shock. He was totally invested.

"Yeah, that was me."

"I remember you shot the winning goal for the last round of playoffs. Everyone went wild!" Adam laughed.

"Yeah, It was so cool."

"Oh my gosh, Skeeter." I groaned.

"Yo Adam, I was gonna make some pancakes. You want some?" Skeeter offered.

"Yeah, I would love some. You got any chocolate chips?" Adam asked as he got out of my bed.

I tried to hold onto Adam but he just walked right out of my grip.

"Yeah, why? Should we make chocolate chip pancakes?"

"Uh Duh."

"Wait guys, I want chocolate chip pancakes!" I called out, but they had already left my room. In defeat, I sighed and looked around my room. That's when a figure walked into my doorway.

I gave him a disgusted look.

"What?" I snap.

"Just wait till my mom finds out you snuck a boy and had sex with him into MY house?" The rodent looking kid crossed his arms.

"First of all, we didn't have sex."

"Hm, maybe it's cause your ugly."

I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Second of all, this isn't your house. This is mine."

"Say that to the room that used to be yours that's now mine." He retorted.

I was about to say something back but then I stopped myself.

"What am I doing fighting with a 5 year old." I got up and pushed him out of the way to walk downstairs.

"I'm actually 10." Teagan replied.

I went downstairs to see Adam making pancakes with my brother. My brother mixed the pancake mix while Adam did the flipping. Why was him cooking kinda hot?

I sat at the counter and watched him flip the pancakes.

"So, does this mean you two are dating?" Skeeter asked.

Adam and I both looked at each other.

"Oh, your keeping it on the down low?" Skeeter guessed.

"Kinda," I say. "We are just trying to dodge Rick until he graduates."

"Rick the dick?" Skeeter says. "Why?"

"Cause if he finds out, he's just gonna keep causing all this unneeded drama."

Adam nodded in agreement as he flipped the pancake.

Skeeter thought for a moment.

"Okay," He stated slowly. "Well, I could get some boys that can shut him up a bit."

"What do you mean?" Adam asked.

"Well, I was kinda a big shot when I went to Eden Hall, Not to brag." Skeeter said cockily.

"Your not gonna scare anyone, Skeeter. You graduated. If you step foot in that school, everyone is gonna think your some Low life that still thinks he's peaking just because he peaked in high school." I explain.

"That's where you are wrong, Bridget." He smirked. "I made it to the bigger leagues. I can give them an offer."

"What offer?" I question.

"An offer to train with me. An offer to get an opportunity to play with me."

Adam and I exchange glances.

"I was friends with Rick. He only dated you so we could get close, I give him that opportunity, and he becomes a hot shot. Everyone knew I was gonna make it out that way."

"How do you know that's true?" Adam says.

"I'm not even surprised." I rolled my eyes.

"I could offer that opportunity in exchange of him leaving you guys alone."

Adam and I looked at each other again.

"We wouldn't have to keep everything a secret, Bridget. We wouldn't have to keep dodging and lying to our friends." Adam said.

"Okay," I say. "I'm okay if your okay, Adam."

"Of course I'm okay with it." He smiled at me, giving me a plate of one of his burnt pancakes.

I pressed my lips into a thin line after looking at his horrid pancakes.

"I can't wait to rub this in his face. Just to prove to him that he really missed something great." Adam muttered.

"Umm, is this pancake supposed to be this dark?" I question Adam.

"That must be the chocolate chips."

"I don't think it's the- Never mind. Thank you, Adam."

Maybe Adam didn't actually know how to cook. But that's okay. It's the thought that counts, right. I don't know, the fact that they weren't even circular scared me.

"Are you sure that offering him this opportunity will keep him away?" I questioned Skeeter.

"If he screws up, he screws up." Skeeter shrugs. "But I doubt he will. This is Rick we are talking about."

Ice burn//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now