Besides the Warnings

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It always seemed weird to me how the doctors office always had a certain smell that I could never describe. My dad and I sat in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to come out and give us an update on my ankle. Anxiously, I tapped my finger on the arms of my chair and kept looking up at the door as people walked in and out of the room.

They theorized that if my ankle was good, I could then graduate to a boot and walk on my own. Otherwise, I would have to stay in a cast for a couple more weeks.

Although I loved feeling like a queen with the extra care i've gotten, it really started to get on my nerves when people started to think that I couldn't do anything at all.

I'd drop a soap bottle in the shower and my dad would think i died or I would try and reach a book from the top shelf in the library and someone would come over thinking that I wouldn't be able to get it myself. It was like everything was just being handed to me 24/7. And don't even get me started on Bianca and her thinking i'm faking my injury for publicity.

The doctor opened the door and my father and I stood up.

"How do you feel about a boot?" He grinned.

My dad and I sighed in relief.

"Sounds great!" I chirped.

"When will she get it off?" My dad asked.

"I'd say at least by Monday. Unless your still feeling any pain?"

"No, no i'm perfectly fine!" I smiled while gesturing to myself standing on my own.

"Then it is settled. I will schedule you an appointment. Does Friday work for you?"

I looked at my dad.

"Friday sounds great!" My dad said.

Finally some excitement was in my life. Finally something positive to look forward to. However, when I went back to school on wednesday Kristin was bragging about the fact that she was totally going to nationals. I couldn't fight it though. Sectionals were two days ago.

Julie and I sat in my room working on our homework together. Again, Adam was being distant. Very distant. In fact, I haven't seen him all week.

"Rick is so annoying. I swear he always picks fights for no reason." I complain as I do my history.

"Tell me about it. I could go on and on about what happened last week." Julie blurted.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What happened last week?" I wondered.

Julies eyes went wide. "Ooooh. You know. The typical.... Rick stuff." She tried to shrug it off.

I looked back down my my history book and and shrugged it off. Julie was being suspicious. Charlie was being suspicious. Don't even get me started on Adam.

"Where is Adam, anyway?" I asked.

"I don't know." Julie said. Still suspicious.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am sure." Julie protested. "Well I should go. Big game tonight."

"Yeah, yeah i'm sure." I said.

The girl packed her things and made her way out of the dorm. It was Wednesday.

Julie started walking towards Adam and Charlie's dorm. She just barged in.

"Bridget is getting suspicious." Julie informed the two.

"Yeah no shit." Charlie said. "Adam sucks at keeping things from her."

"What are you talking about?" Adam snapped.

"Guys what are we gonna do when she finds out. She will be so upset." Julie says.

"Just don't say anything, Julie." Adam fought.

"I won't. But we are gonna have to fake a game tonight. I got anxious and told her I had to get ready for a hockey game."

Charlie rubbed his face. "Great." He mumbled.

The next day I finally ran into Adam in the hallway on my way to math class.

"Banksie!" I yelled as I hobbled over to him. "Guess what, Banksie!" I chirped.

I decided to shrug off the fact that he had been avoiding me all this time and I just wanted to tell him the news on my ankle.

"Oh hi, Bridget." Adam smiled nervously. "What's up?"

He was being weird but I just shrugged it off again.

"The doctor had finally agreed to let me get my cast off. I'm going on Friday!"

Adam's suspicious smile started to become a real one. But he then locked over my shoulder and went back to his stupid fake smile that made me feel uncomfortable. Did I do something wrong?

"That's great, Bridget. Look I-I have to go to class to make up a test." He said. "I-i'll see you around."

"Wait! How did you game go!?" I questioned.

"It was good!" He called back as he rushed through the hall.

I stood there in the hallway as students started to walk into their classrooms. Few seconds gone by and the hallway is nearly empty.

"Morning, Nixon." Coach Orion says as he passed him in the hall.

"Morning, sir." I sigh.

Slowly, I trudged into my math class. Why has everyone been acting weird the past couple of days?

"Banks, you are so lucky that coach came before I could tear you to shreds." Rick shoved Adam to the wall.

"You do know that Coach Orion ain't gonna stick up for you all your life, you see that." Cole pinched Adam's check.

Banks shooed the hand away and shoved them back.

"You guys are very territorial over Bridget, you know that?" Adam snapped. "Little possessive."

"Shut up, Banks. We warned you and we ain't gonna stop fighting with you until you understand that we don't want you near Bridget." Rick gritted his teeth.

"I'm doing the best I can to make you happy, Rick. But guess what, doing what you say is completely tearing Bridget apart." Adam explained. "Your ruining her."

"She's ruining her self." Cole threw adam into the lockers.

"It's her fault for falling for a boy that isn't worth her time." Rick glared.

"What the hell are you even talking about, Rick? Your the one wasting time." Adam furrowed his eyebrows. "How could any of this be her fault?"

Rick gritted his teeth and threw Adam to the ground. Adam started to fight back and Kicked Riley in the chest which caused him to fall back onto Cole.

Adam got up and nailed Rick Riley in the face.

The brunette was lying on the ground and Cole standing behind him.

Adam glared at the two boys before going any farther. "I'm done with your shit, Riley."

"BOYS!" The Assistant Principal Yelled. "Get over here!"

"Kiss your scholarship goodbye, Banksie." Rick spat.

Adam just Scoffed.

Ice burn//Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now