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Jimin awakes to the sound of the front door slamming closed. His body jerks and for a fragment of time, the pace of his wounded heart quickens. He sits up and the thin quilt falls from his chest while he watches his boyfriend drive away. Skid marks are left on the road, easily representing just how reckless of a nature he retains.

A small yawn begins to move up his throat and it's only then that he recalls what happened just last night because it hurts. It feels as though somebody scorched his neck and has left the pain there to fester over night. His small fingers run over the sensitive surface and he exhales very faintly, attempting to mitigate the pain.

While still trying to orient himself with the early morning light, Jimin blinks repeatedly while he stands to his feet. With his arms pointed into the air for a wide stretch, the cool air kisses the exposed part of his stomach. A chill slides down his spine as his feet move against the hardwood floor to make toward the bathroom.

Jimin positions himself in front of the sink, staring at his reflection in the mirror. He can feel a lump form in his throat as the texturized, purple bruising contrasts starkly against his white skin. The ring wraps around the entire front half of his neck, vibrant as ever. This is going to take so much more than just one layer of foundation to cover.

He shakes his head and begins to strip himself bare, trying his hardest to ignore any sight of his reflection. He can never recognize the person staring back at him and quite frankly, he doesn't find them all that appealing, either. It almost seems like each day, Daeshim points out something he believes to be wrong with the ravenette's body. Jimin is only reminded of such things when looking in a mirror.

Jimin pulls the shower curtain over and steps into the base of the tub, tugging it back into it's place. He begins to run the water in search of his idealistic temperature. When it comes to showering, there is never a balance. Jimin often finds himself standing beneath icy cold water as it does well at numbing some of the pain. The only issue is that occasionally, he pays for the repercussions afterward. That being simply too frozen to move.

As soon as he's done finishing up his necessities within the shower, he steps out of the tub while coiling a towel around his thrumming body. His skin has fallen greater amounts of ashen and his lips are brushed purple. His teeth chatter while he makes way toward his bedroom to get dressed in his work attire.

Once he's finished getting dressed, he wanders off to the kitchen. He rarely eats breakfast and never really plans on doing so based off of Daeshim's harsh criticism. But he's prone to fainting and if he doesn't eat anything, the outcome is typical. There's also no telling what could happen if he loses conciousness while cutting one of his patient's hair. The spectrum of possibilities is boundless.

Jimin pulls some fruit from the fridge, splaying some strawberries and honeydew along a cutting board. He reaches for a knife and begins to dice them such as he always does when preparing a no-brainer breakfast. However when he isn't paying attention, he drops the knife down on his forefinger. He pulls back with a hiss and grimace, holding it right before his face.

While he watches the crimson run down his finger, his surroundings blur. Everything else becomes white noise. It's hypnotizing and oddly enough, his throat runs dry because of it. He's mesmerized by the garnet red consistency enhancing his white skin as if it's some kind of pop art. He has always had this fascination with blood and yet he can't quite pinpoint the source or explanation behind it. It's just always been apparent in the back of his mind, whether he acts on it or not.

But the thing is, is that he's never really sought it. He's never intentionally cut himself nor has he taken a taste, despite the ability for his temptations to drive him into the shape of insanity. The covet is inexplicable, even he himself is muddled by such an odd fascination. It doesn't help that he just knows nobody else will entertain the thought. Or indulge his perhaps rather unseemly enchantment for something so simple yet bewitching.

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