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After fixing himself up in the bathroom, Jimin joins Jeongguk at the bar table, taking a seat on the stool. He downs a shot, unaware of the way the blond is looking him over.

"Your cheek is red," he points out, reaching his fingers forward to caress the rosy skin of Jimin's face. "Did something happen?"

"I'm okay," Jimin says, placing the shot glass against the wooden surface of the bar with a quiet thud. He twists on his stool and he places his fingers over top of Jeongguk's, flashing him a smile. "But I have something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" Jeongguk questions, keeping his gaze trained on Jimin's cheek.

"Daeshim confronted me in the bathroom." Jeongguk's eyes are now on Jimin's - much sharper and deep with a surfacing darkness.

"Did he hurt you?" There is a strong sense of protectiveness in Jeongguk's voice that makes Jimin feel weak in his knees.

"He didn't." His full lips curl upward as he preens, recalling the events that unfolded in the bathroom. "I scared him and now it's his turn to run." Jimin's hand falls onto Jeongguk's inner thigh and his fingertips press gingerly yet with evident persistence and desire.

"Is that so?" Jeongguk's tone fires Jimin up even further. This sense of pride ignites within him, alongside the desire to celebrate something close to groundbreaking victory.

"It is," Jimin mumbles, inched slightly closer so that his lips graze Jeongguk's ear. "I want to get out of here. Right now." His fingers are all over the man's inner thigh, displaying the undying eagerness that grows in his core.

"And do what?" Jeongguk quirks a brow, tapping his forefinger against Jimin's knee, watching the latter twitch excitedly.

"You know what." Jimin stands from the stool and laces his fingers with Jeongguk's. He pulls him along, through the cluster of bodies until they reach the outside of the bar and into the darkness of the night.

Before they can make it to the car, Jimin is pushed into an alleyway, up against a brick wall. Jeongguk's knee nestles between his thighs, ghosting his cock. He inhales, curling his fingers over the blond's shoulders desperately.

With a subtle whine to follow, Jimin's lips part of their own volition as Jeongguk's forefinger approaches his mouth. He allows it to slip between his teeth and he sucks on it briefly while looking the blond over, dazed by the constant, lingering, light weight over his hard on. His wet tongue circles the digit and when Jeongguk pulls back, it releases with a resonant pop.

"You just can't wait, can you?" Jeongguk suggests with mirth, dragging his finger down Jimin's bottom lip, over his neck to meet the first button of his top.

"I can't," Jimin drawls, threading his fingers through Jeongguk's long blond hair restlessly, shifting on his feet to meet the friction he so painfully yearns for. "We need to go after him now."

Jeongguk hums, playing with the collar of Jimin's top. He pulls it to the side, admiring his unmarked, white skin. He smiles, noting the shiver that ripples down the submissive's antsy body.

"Let's go, Darling." Jimin bites back a complaint as Jeongguk pulls away and as the heat leaves him barren, enveloped in cold. His fingers connect with the blond's once again and he's brought to the car. He climbs inside of it, Jeongguk behind the wheel, and they make their way back onto the road.

During the whole ride there, Jimin restrains himself. It takes every piece of him to not touch himself and especially in Jeongguk's presence. But it starts to ache. To a degree that doesn't seem manageable in the slightest.

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