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After what happened last night, Jimin has been quite still. He hasn't left the bed for anything, and Jeongguk hasn't left his side, either. He has held him close the entire night.

"How are you feeling, Darling?" Jeongguk asks and Jimin listens to the sound of his heart, resting the side of his face on the man's built chest.

"I'm feeling better." Fingers move through his black hair and that's what he focuses on, trying to push away the scalding sensation felt when his strands had been gripped and he had been jerked last night. "But I don't feel safe in this place anymore," he replies truthfully.

Jeongguk frowns, but it goes missed. He encourages Jimin to climb onto his lap, so that's exactly what the latter does. His bent legs fall over either side of the man's thighs and hands land over top of them, big and warm.

"Tell me what scares you, Darling," Jeongguk suggests, moving his thumbs over Jimin's exposed skin.

As of right now, there are a few things that frighten Jimin. He readjusts over Jeongguk's thighs and plays with his fingers, chewing on his bottom lip. He doesn't know how to say it. It's going to sound ridiculous.

"I don't know," he mumbles uncertainly.

"Go on." Jeongguk squeezes his thigh. "You can tell me anything, Darling. I promise."

Jimin's lips jut out of their own volition. His baby silk robe serves as a great distraction for his fingers as he musters the courage to speak his mind. He blinks up at Jeongguk and the man is already offering a kind, encouraging smile.

"...I told you that I love you," Jimin murmurs and Jeongguk's facial expression changes. "And you said it back. But... how do I know?"

One of Jeongguk's eyebrows lift. "How do you know what?" he asks.

Jimin begins to whine. "How do I know that it's real? This is all I've ever wanted. What if I'm dreaming?" he brings up softly.

Hands move over Jimin's waist and pull him closer. Jeongguk flips him over and studies his enchanting, disheveled state. Flushed cheeks, pretty, full lips parted and black hair fanning the pillowcase. His silk robe has risen up and he can feel air hit him through his boxers. Jeongguk warms his inner thigh with a palm.

"This isn't a dream, Darling. I am right here. And I am so madly in love with you. With all that you are. My heart beats for you. I live and breathe for you." Jeongguk leans down and closes the distance between them.

Soft, needy whines slip from Jimin's mouth and meet Jeongguk's. He wraps his arms around his neck and pulls him down closer until their bodies are flush together. Skin on skin, heart to heart in a place of lost solace, but in arms that offer safety and unequivocal protection.

"I want you to make love to me," Jimin mumbles between perfect kisses and a hand wanders to his growing buldge. "No toys. Just you and your hands on me. I want you to take care of me." He pants when Jeongguk pulls away, gazing at him longingly.

"You mean like this, Darling?" Jeongguk starts to circle his hand and Jimin moans, curling his fingers into the man's nape. He pulls on his bottom lip, lifting his waist.

"L-like that," Jimin replies. "But n-not here. At your house, please..." he whispers.

"Okay, Darling. At my place." Jeongguk removes his hand and places a gentle kiss over Jimin's lips first and then his forehead.

There's a knock on the door and Hoseok as well as Namjoon are on the other side, not waiting for a response to enter. It looks like they both haven't slept in ages.

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