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It's odd, there being no explicit and obscene action at a BDSM club.

Jimin has never felt so overwhelmed with such a copipis amount of eyes on him. It didn't necessarily bother him when he was up on stage. Maybe it's because they're all on the same level now, and he can see them, too. Like he isn't so invincible. But the arm laced around his own tightens and he peers up at Jeongguk tiredly, smiling lazily at him. It's a special kind of comfort and security the action exudes, always managing to lower his stress levels into near nothingness. Like some kind of super power.

"You okay, Darling? We can go back home. We don't have to stay," Jeongguk whispers against his ear, and he relaxes.

"But we do. I want to help, Master. You can't leave. All of these people want to speak to you," Jimin replies quietly, tilting his head back further to move the hair out of his eyes.

Jeongguk breaks into a faint, adoring smile. "You're just as invested as Hobi Hyung."

Jimin chews on his lip shyly. "Well, I want to know how much money I'm worth," he mumbles, looking down.

A finger hooks beneath his chin and he's looking into Jeongguk's dreamy eyes. "How many times do I need to remind you that you're more than just a body? You're priceless, Darling." Jeongguk leans down and kisses him delicately on his ample, rosy lips, lingering for a moment's time to savour the taste.

"Jeongguk," Jimin mutters once the man pulls back to drag a thumb over his bottom lip.

"Yes?" he asks.

At the sight of people watching, Jimin blushes and peers down at his feet. He prods at his collar and puffs his cheeks. "Nothing. Let's join everyone else. I'm sure they wanna talk to you."

Jeongguk nods his head, but Jimin catches a specific glint in his eyes. He's glad he doesn't push and they join hands, approaching the center of the room.

Everyone here is dressed nicely. Polished down from head to toe; not a speck of dirt, nor poverty. It makes Jimin wonder what all of them do to get the money that they have. He recalls Hoseok explaining to him that most of them are actually criminals. But perhaps some are regular people, if that's even a possibility.

Jimin studies his outfit. Jeongguk let him wear his pretty, baby blue silk robe as to mitigate the chafing over his small, bandaged incisions. Physically, he feels comfortable in it, suppose that's the goal. But with everyone else here wearing suits and dresses, it makes it difficult to feel in place. It shouldn't bother him that much. But being the submissive of the head of the club, he feels as though he has some kind of reputation to uphold. He never envisioned himself getting so invested in this kind of business. A long time ago, it was just touching. But it's safe to say that they've succeeded something so simple.

His fingers are squished and Jimin looks up - he had been distracted. Both him and Jeongguk are now standing in front of a man. Jimin can't seem to stop himself from gawking at his neck and fingers. The jewelry is distracting.

"I have to say, I didn't expect somebody like... this," the man says while he looks Jimin up and down. The latter shifts on his feet and hides half of his frame behind Jeongguk, timid.

"He is very special, indeed. I got lucky." Jeongguk reaches for a glass of champagne, resting on a tray that passes by with a waiter. Him and the man clink glasses, taking swift swallows. "Did you enjoy the show?" he asks.

The man nods his head. "I did, and as far as I'm concerned, so did everyone else who was watching. Not only is your income from the bidding at mass, but the people here tonight are donating very generously. It's astounding."

HELLO, DARLING | JIKOOK ✔Where stories live. Discover now