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The bedding feels different beneath Jimin's body. His eyes haven't opened just yet but his palms flatten over the blanket sprawled over his limbs. With such a distinct yet minor detail, he can tell that he isn't in his house. And rather, he's fallen asleep in Jeongguk's bed. His lids lift and he blinks while slowly propping himself up against the headrest. With balled fists, he rubs the fatigue away.

"You're awake." Jeongguk is looming over his dresser, looking through drawers while pulling out articles of clothing. He's without a shirt - the plane of his golden, bare back on display. His muscles tense with each faint jostle, beginning just above his waist, prolonging all the way up to his broad shoulders. Jimin swallows.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep here-"

"Don't fret, Darling. It was my intention that you stay the night. I fed you, no? And not just with food." He's twisting where he stands, swiping his bandaged thumb over his soft, quirked lips.

Jimin looks away quickly, staring at the blanket covering his thighs. He's blushing, reminiscing of how good Jeongguk's blood tasted, filming the inside of his mouth. The sonorous praise still lingers in the forefront of his mind, serving as a striking memory to remain implemented deeply. It's hinged strongly in his brain, quite stubborn as he tries to subside it, only to fail miserably. It doesn't help that Jeongguk is now towering over the bed, gripping his chin to align their faces; perfectly depicting the nature of their relationship with such a simplistic yet dominant gesture.

He's so close to him that Jeongguk's breath fans his mouth. Jimin can't help his eyes as they flit from the man's dark gaze to the shape of his pink lips. They part and twitch in but a whisper. It feels as though an invitation, beckoning him over with small puffs of hot air. Luring in to claim what hangs so close by his fingertips. And yet he has this near and constant inkling that he's unsuited to instigate anything. He takes what he's given and if nothing less, the thrill of punishment is apparent. Calling out to him like a Siren, a dangerous desire murmuring against his ear. He starts to lean in but Jeongguk pulls back, dropping his chin.

"What did I say about being patient?" Jeongguk tuts, raising a brow.

Jimin's full lips part slightly as an involuntary whine slots between his white teeth to meet the air. He isn't exactly too sure what game Jeongguk is playing, but he wants in on every part of it. The intrigue, the denial, the teasing. It's frustrating but it keeps him pining.

"I have some place I need to be, and so I'm taking a shower. I'll prepare breakfast once I'm finished. I expect you stay in the bedroom in the meantime. Do I make myself clear?" Jeongguk has a towel thrown over his shoulder.

Jimin decides to keep his questions to himself. He nods his head. "Yes, Master," he projects quietly yet audibly. With a little bit of convincing, he's able to brush his teeth before the rest of the morning ensues. As soon as he's finished in the bathroom, he's sitting immobile on the bed while the water starts to run.

He's curled up in a small ball with the blanket wrapped around him as he scans the bedroom, finally taking in his surroundings without the distracting sight of a shirtless Jeongguk. He pulls on his bottom lip, taking note that even outside of his appearance, he's a very clean cut man. The furniture is simple and yet it has this sensual undertone, underlined by the shade of black and wine red. Now that he thinks about it, the livingroom and kitchen are basically the same, colour wise. Every aspect of his life seems to follow a pattern. He's clearly organized and with care.

Jimin unfurls the blanket from around his body, fingers moving faintly over his head as the throb subdues. He throws his legs over the side of the bed and his toes sprawl over a soft carpet placed below the bed. He's given the chance to inspect his entirety, noticing that he's been changed into a seperate pair of clothes. This means that Jeongguk has seen him naked already. The fact that his immodesty has been divulged makes his stomach twist in a way he's unacquainted with. Because he isn't exactly pleased with the idea, nor is he against it. It brings him thrill but it also unnerves him.

HELLO, DARLING | JIKOOK ✔Where stories live. Discover now