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"What now?" Jimin looks to his right, at Iseul who stares into his crescent eyes lifelessly.

"Yoongi Hyung and Hoseok Hyung will stay back to clean things up, Darling. How are you feeling right now?" Jeongguk asks, grazing a piece of smooth, black hair between his fingers.

"I feel good," Jimin mutters, circling his arms tighter around Jeongguk's nape. "My adrenaline... it's skyrocketing and I feel so alive. Like nothing can stop me. And like I'm so much closer to having you all to myself." Hands trail over Jimin's back and tighten over his big hips to pull him in close. The latter gasps when their fronts meet roughly, yet in a way that conjures added sparks.

"And so now what?" Jimin mumbles against Jeongguk's lips, gasping lightly when a thigh grazes his crotch. He whines when the friction continues.

Jeongguk hums, clearly trying to hold himself back. "You deserve a reward, Darling." He picks the man up by his thighs, his action summoning the sweet symphony of giggles.

Placed on the small counter, Jimin presses his forehead against Jeongguk's and grips his shirt tightly. "I've been good," he replies with lidded eyes.

"You have." Jeongguk leans in, dragging fingers over the inside of Jimin's legs and his thighs part of their own accord, seeking touch.

Trying hard to not get carried away, Jeongguk takes it slowly, nipping carefully and dragging his tongue over the places that triggers soft moans. His hands travel over Jimin carefully, like he's a pretty jewel.

And Iseul watches with a crater between her eyebrows. However unexpectedly, ear-splitting sounds resonate from an impossibly close distance. Bullets begin to fire at the trailor.

As quickly as he possibly can, Jeongguk has his arms wrapped tightly around Jimin. He places him on the floor and hugs him close, shielding him from any incoming bullets. The sound of them hitting the trailor and breaking through is a real life nightmare. Having been on the receiving end many times, no amount of fear has ever been visible encasing Jeongguk's body. Because now Jimin is here, the one person he treasures most.

It feels like hours before they let out, when it's only a mere five seconds. Hoseok and Yoongi are outside but the only thing that Jeongguk can seem to focus on is the pretty black haired man beneath him.

The one who at a scary pace, seems to be getting whiter.

Jeongguk notices that Jimin is whimpering with tears building in his eyes. He pulls back and scans the latter's body, catching a place on his stomach where blood blossoms into a large pool, staining his clothes.

"No, fuck. Jimin, hang in there okay? Please. Fuck, you told me that you would never leave me." Jeongguk begins to shake, gathering dish towels and balling them over Jimin's wound. He cries out in pain.

"J-Jeongguk... it h-hurts." Trying to blink away his tears, Jimin can hardly speak without it feeling like his stomach is being separated into two halves. A careful, bloody hand lingers over his cheek as he feels his consciousnesses fading away by the second.

"I know, Darling. I know it hurts. Listen to me. We're going to get you some help, alright? Please hang in there. I promise." Jeongguk, as carefully as possible, helps Jimin to sit up. A heartbreaking cry sounds in Jimin's throat, making it harder for Jeongguk to hold in his emotions.

"I l-love you," Jimin whispers, lazily lifting an arm to touch Jeongguk's face. This is the last thing - last person - he wants to see before he dies. As the seconds go by, as he looks Jeongguk in his eyes, wondering how they can be home to such an impossible amount of passion and love and sadness, he can feel his own getting heavy.

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