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Broken, kind and lost.

Those are the three words Jimin has decided fit Taehyung's character and image the most. And he can't stop thinking about them - thinking about him - even when he's in the passenger seat of Jeongguk's sleek black car as they make their way to dinner.

The fact that other people have suffered the same brutal treatment Jimin has makes his stomach twist in ways he never knew possible. He's leaning his head against his palm and even as he looks out the window, he can feel his insides churning, dislodging like a tornado has ripped through and wreaked havoc. The craving he once had for food is now completely gone. But he doesn't want to speak up about it because he's looking forward to this outing. Looking forward to doing something mundane - something so simple, yet healing.

Promptly, though, a warm palm snakes over his thigh and fingertips dimple the material of his black skinny jeans. Jimin looks down at his lap, admiring the veins running beneath the soft skin of Jeongguk's hand. It squeezes gently and it distracts him from his thoughts. Jeongguk can always seem to figure it out, even if he doesn't say anything.

"How did it go with Taehyung, Darling?" Jeongguk's eyes remain on the road, but his inquisition is careful and it's tame.

Jimin is still looking at Jeongguk's hand. He places his free one over top of it, tracing the man's knuckles and his fingers, and it almost seems like with some kind of dedication to memorize it's outline. "I can tell that he's very scared. I know he is, because I am too. I see myself in him," he replies with his lips drawn into a flat line.

The hand enveloping him in warmth tightens over his thigh. Soon they pull into a parking lot, before a restaurant that looks way too expensive and lavish. Jimin can't find himself fitting in here. Even in the parking lot, he feels out of place. But Jeongguk clutches his chin and redirects his attention. Now looking into the blond's eyes, his anxiety mitigates. A thumb smooths over his lips and the man leans in to kiss him softly, reminding him that he's safe.

And the fact that some people could be watching makes Jimin's heart beat a little quicker. Jeongguk is claiming him right in front of the customers who walk by his car, either to leave or exit the restaurant. The gesture leaves him breathless and with fluttering eyes, leaning forward some more when Jeongguk pulls back. A finger is placed over his lips vertically, keeping him in place.

"Save your appetite for the food, Darling. I settle for nothing less than the best." Jeongguk preens himself. His lips lift into a smile that just makes them look so much more tempting. It's this confidence and control that the blond exudes that takes Jimin by storm and tatters his sail.

Jeongguk climbs out of the car and Jimin waits patiently as the man rounds the vehicle, opening the passenger door for him. He steps onto the well kept pavement and he peers up at Jeongguk, clearly anxious to be in a place of such unfamiliarity. A hand runs over the small of Jimin's back, stopping on his waist. He's moved into Jeongguk's side and he smiles as they begin to move toward the entrance.

Evidently, it's absolutely nothing like the pub. It doesn't smell like cheap beer and sweat, rather fruity champagne and expensive food. The customers are all dressed nicely - most of the women are wearing dresses and the men, suits. Jimin studies his own attire, a pair of black skinny jeans and a deep red blouse to match his collar. Out of place and anxious while he toys with his fingers, seeking some form of distraction.

Thankfully, Jeongguk is shameless and isn't afraid to assert his ownership. Fingers move against his hip gingerly, putting him at ease. His shoulders finally relax after being so tense and strained. There's something about his touch that's so calming and reassuring - Jeongguk is like a portable medication that Jimin is extremely thankful for.

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