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Jimin finishes up in the shower, drying at his black hair with a small towel. Covering his damp body is a red bath robe, secured around his waist and the same colour as the collar encompassing his neck. With the little bit of information he has gathered, Jimin makes the assumption that most, if not all, head dominants receive their very own chambers at the club. Because of this, the submissive was able to wash up using Jeongguk's bathroom.

He pushes the door open and closes it behind him. He's slightly surprised when he turns around and finds Jeongguk sitting on the large bed, leaning back against his arms with his legs spread open. The fact that he had been waiting for him draws goosebumps over his skin. And the way Jeongguk is looking into his eyes makes his knees buckle. He's beckoned over by a curled finger and walks toward his dominant, pulled into his lap until he's straddling him.

Jimin's bath robe rides up. It's enough to showcase the pallid consistency of his thighs but keep everything else upward hidden. Despite his lack of clothing, Jeongguk is focusing on his face, but more specifically his eyes. They wane, studying his own of hazel with heavy admiration. Any and all of Jimin's qualms vanish the second a kiss is placed on the curve of his jaw, very soft and caring. Hands are moving up his thighs, settling on his tapered waist. Jeongguk's fingers feel like feathers.

A very calm exhale is leaving Jimin's mouth, kissing the apple of Jeongguk's cheek. The latter is capable of so much destruction and manages to hold the life of many people in his palms. It takes nothing more than for him to curl his fingers, and suddenly, they're erased from existence. And so it's with this in mind that Jimin can't help but to feel so incredibly special. This world is home to countless people and yet somehow, Jeongguk has chosen him.

"What's on your mind, Darling?" Lips move over Jimin's neck and collar as the question is asked.

Jimin's eyes flit as he peers down at Jeongguk. He adjusts his arms around the man's neck and his bathrobe slips over his shoulders and down his arms, exposing his chest. A cool chill nips at his skin and he shudders softly as his dominant's warm exhales gust the areas of him that are exposed.

"You make me feel special, Master. I don't have to be afraid when I'm with you. Or when this collar is around my neck. I don't care if I'm being used to make you money." Jimin's fingers move through Jeongguk's hair. They curl around the golden strands and they twist, moving against his scalp.

Jeongguk smiles, and there's something different about it, contrasting heavily among other expressions in his arsenal. He lifts one of his hands and a forefinger traces over Jimin's side, up until his neck like a pencil that carefully configures the outline of an emerging masterpiece.

Jimin doesn't question the fact that Jeongguk replies physically. He's already aware that their relationship runs much deeper than something as simple as business partners. It's complicated but it's riveting. There's so much mystery and temptation at every corner - even if he wanted to run, it would be impossible. The body wants what it wants and as far as Jimin is concerned, within Jeongguk's hands is exactly where he wants to be.

"You do realize that you are one of a kind, don't you? They will watch you, and they will want to touch you, but if they do, they lose their fucking hands." His voice is impossibly calm in spite of the words leaving his intoxicating lips. Jimin moves faintly over the man's thighs as a thumb presses into his bottom lip, dragging it down.

Unaware of what Jeongguk's words entail or what it is exactly that they mean, excitement builds beneath Jimin's skin and races through his veins. The undisclosed, to him, is absolutely thrilling and the adrenaline it puts forward is unrivaled. He has never known life without living on the edge. Previously, in his relationship with Daeshim, each time he would place his foot down, it felt like trekking over shards of glass.

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