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"Jimin? Can you hear me?" Soft brown eyes bore into those of fear and hazel, begging desperately for an explanation. Jimin's hands travel upward, toward his own neck to brush the skin beneath his collar. It's hard to breathe.

"Shit. Darling, please. Tell me what happened." Jeongguk sits next to Jimin and reaches out, but the latter flinches and tilts his head to the left, away from the blond's hand. He can still feel the ghost of a barrel of a gun pushed between his eyebrows. It prods against his skull and disorients him - veers him away from any coherent thought.

A gentle hand lands over his thigh and Jimin just barely jumps. His gaze wanders to the ink adorning Jeongguk's skin and somehow, it offers a fragment of peace.

"There was a man... he was in here while you were in the shower." Jimin's admission is short and simple, but it's heavy and it makes Jeongguk's face pinch with confusion.

"What do you mean there was a man in here? Nobody can get in this late at night besides the head dominants." Jeongguk appears calm, yet the lilt in his voice gives away the tempest developing inside of him.

The look of hurt is apparent on Jimin's face, joining the already present lingering of fear. He looks away from Jeongguk's hand and stares at the wall to his left, shifting his legs. He plays with his collar. "You don't believe me?" he asks quietly.

Jeongguk shakes his head. "Of course I believe you." The heels of his palms dig into his eyes as he thinks the situation over. "Did he hurt you?"

Blinking up at Jeongguk, Jimin can tell that his mind is racing with questions. That he's trying very hard to curb the anger bubbling beneath his skin. Rather than channeling outrage, he remains calm while in the presence of his Darling.

"He... he had a gun." Jimin can't finish his sentence before Jeongguk is tensing up. "He had it between my eyebrows... his finger was on the trigger. I tried calling out to you, but you couldn't hear me." His cheeks soak a second time over as he recalls the petrifying experience.

And it's without notice that he's pulled into strong arms. The wind is just about taken out of him, but Jeongguk's scent grounds him. Jimin burrows his nose inside of the blond's neck and breathes softly. His racing heart slows and his fingers slack around his broad shoulders. His body, too, as he sinks into the mattress, allowing his defenses to wither away.

"What did he look like?" Jeongguk questions while he rocks Jimin back and forth, grazing the man's ear with his lips in a therapeutic way.

"He was wearing a ski mask," Jimin croaks. "I couldn't really see his face, but his eyes... they were so scary, Master. It felt like he was ripping me apart, from the inside out. I was more afraid of his glare than the gun in his hand. And... he had a scar running through his eyebrow."

"A scar through his eyebrow? Okay, Darling. I'll look into it," Jeongguk promises after feeling a nod against his neck.

Jimin pulls away and wipes at his cheeks, lips rosy and pouty. "Do you have any idea who it could be? Will they be back?" he asks quietly.

"No." Jeongguk pushes some of Jimin's soft black hair behind his ear, dragging his thumb over his cheek. "I'll notify everyone at the club. Whoever it is, he can't be too much of a stranger to have gained access to the building."

Tempting lips parting faintly, Jimin blinks at Jeongguk. "It's someone you guys might know?"

"We'll have to see." Jeongguk brushes his fingers through Jimin's hair, watching the strands fall effortlessly into place, right before his gleaming eyes. It's the perfect distraction.

Jimin nods his head while he looks down into his lap, playing with his fingers. He nibbles on his lip, thankful the ghost of the gun against his skin is very slowly vanishing. Jeongguk stands from the bed, and crouches down next to it, reaching for a gun that's hidden beneath the side table. He pops the magazine out swifly and places it back into place.

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