Welcome to Seoul

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Welcome back, a quick thank you to everyone who read the last chapter and with that, lets get to the next chapter.

Just a little tid bit of information, in this story Twice is separated into groups of 4 and 5 living in two apartments right next to each other. The groups are Mina, Jihyo, Sana, and Jeongyeon and Momo, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, Dahyun and Nayeon. 


"Hey, isn't Chaeyoung supposed to be landing soon?" Mina suddenly asked, not even looking away from the TV

"Huh? What time is it?" Jihyo asked, looking at her watch. It was currently 9:00 AM. "When does she land?"

"Chaeyoung? Around 10 right?" Jeongyeon says as she steps out of the shower, still drying her hair.

"Oh... OH!" Jihyo exclaimed, immediately jumping up grabbing her phone, purse, and shoes as she runs out the door.

"She's gonna be late." Jeongyeon sighed while she took a seat on the couch. "Any transfer news?"

"It looks pretty certain that we're signing some kid from Arsenal." Mina replied, eyes still glued to the TV, hugging her plushie

"Anything else about this 'kid'?" Jeongyeon questioned, she was thinking that it could be a 17 year old that they could hopefully sign permanently

"Um, I'm pretty sure he plays in the midfield, it says that we're giving him the number 7, which is..." Mina just kinda shrugged, to her it could be good it could be bad. You relatively unknown outside of Arsenal fans so there wasn't too much to expect.

"Number 7 in the midfield? Well that's interesting, do you know what kind of a player he is, like is he more De Bruyne or Kante?" Jeongyeon asked, she was silently hoping that you would be more of an attacking player since that's the type of football she enjoys.

"Based off the, like three YouTube compilations I would say it's like Iniesta or Pogba?" Mina answered as best she could since she wasn't really an Arsenal fan so she never saw (Y/N) play.

Just before Jeongyeon could reply Sana bolted in through the front door and assaulted the two of them with hugs and kisses, she was spending some time with Momo and boo so Jihyo couldn't be too far behind.

"Sana! We have to go, we're gonna be late!" Jihyo yelled appearing in the doorway.

"I'm on my wa- oh who is he?" Sana stopped midsentence and her eyes were locked on the screen.

"That's (F/N) (L/N), he's rumored to be singing with FC Seoul on loan." Mina answered

"Oh I know somewhere else he could go on lo-"

"Sana lets go!" Jihyo cut Sana off  by physically pulling her away, leaving Jeongyeon and Mina to laugh at their friend.

"So you're telling me that you almost convinced Dahyun to get a tattoo with you?" You said in complete disbelief. 

"Yeah, but then Jihyo caught us and the whole plan was put to rest." Chaeyoung let out in a muffled laugh.

The two of you had gotten along surprisingly well, obviously after that initial awkwardness but that was to be expected given the weird circumstances you met under. You obviously had to explain that you weren't a creep or anything, it took some time but eventually the two of you warmed up to each other considering it would be a 11 hour flight.

Chaeyoung's agent just quietly sat, doing their work, occasionally glancing at the two of you getting along maybe too well. But they weren't too concerned considering the likelihood of you two being in contact was virtually zero.

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