14 - Messes will be Messi

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OMG OMG OMG another chapter!

Sorry for the long delay between them but I will do my best. I hope you enjoy what is probably the longest chapter to date, please let me know what you think in the comments and THANK YOU I LOVE YOU <3 

Words:  6797


"It's about you and... umm... Sana... I don't know how to exactly explain this but..."

Mina could feel her emotions starting to boil over, but the curiosity insider her was pushing her to find an answer to what she saw earlier as she sat on the guest bed with you.

"Are the two of you... dating?" She didn't even try to soften the blow of the sudden question, "I couldn't help but notice how close you both were with each other after you brought Nayeon back. Even if it might be wrong for me to stare like that, the fact that you two were so willing to openly express your relationship like that made me think of so many things and I seriously couldn't help but be curious about the whole situation. But it's not like you need to tell me an answer, after all the two of you have every right to keep your private affairs private... after all."

So it turns out Mina was a rambler. How cute.

But... this was... new?

Both to Mina and yourself.

Mina couldn't believe how straightforward she was being. Just letting the words flow out of her mouth without any real idea if what she was saying made any cohesive sense. Kind of like when a dam breaks and water, much like her words, keeps spilling out.

A brief moment of silence came over the two of you as all the information was rushing through your brain, from replaying you and Sana's moment to Mina's sudden outburst... in the end you could only sigh.

"We're. . . We're not dating," you answered with the truth and nothing but the truth, "well, as far as I know... Sana and I are strictly friends."


"Yeah," you nodded somewhat emptily, "back then, when she was... sharing air with me, it was to... whisper something! Y-yeah it was a... thanks for finding Nayeon!" You exclaimed with hopes of buying your half-truth, "you know how Sana can be. She was just thanking me for finding Nayeon last night. Nothing more, nothing less."

Another, "oh," formed on Mina's mouth. Her own thoughts had begun to calm after so much panic. "I see," she nodded, although her train of thought slowed down not based on your answer, but rather by the inevitability that she would be tired after such an eventful evening, let alone the whole day.

After all, she's been grinding Apex Legends ever since everyone made it back to the dorms which was... almost 3 hours ago? Only being top 200 wasn't the elo she wanted but it was the hell she was stuck in.

You couldn't help but feel spent out of all your energy as well. You had completely forgotten that earlier today you were at the training facility, the whole debacle with the guys in the alley, saving Nayeon, and with all the thinking you had to do jut now... you also felt your body begin to shut down.

With a huge yawn that made Mina yawn just as much, you could now barely focus with the topic at hand.

"You know wha- *yawn* -t... how about we continue this in the morni- *yawn* -ng?... I'm just... too-" You couldn't even finish your sentence as you begin to nod off.

"No- no, I- *penguin yawn* I get it, it's been a long da-" Mina's eyes fluttered closed as she couldn't help but lie down on the super-duper-ultra-soft blankets below her. Her mind going blank to everything as she laid down and covered herself in the blanket.

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