11 - Beach Day

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The sun was bearing down on the unexpectedly hot day, all of you had made it out to the beach and now you were basking in the sun. You didn't see a lot of this in London so it was nice while it lasted.

"(Y/N)! Here's some water." Momo called as she sat down next to you.

"Ah thanks a lot." You smiled, it had taken you a bit of time to adjust to seeing them in their bathing suits but now you could look in their general direction without facing a brain malfunction.

"It's really hot isn't it?" Momo laughed as she ties her hair into a ponytail to let her skin breathe.

"It's really hot isn't it?" Momo laughed as she ties her hair into a ponytail to let her skin breathe

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"Y-yeah." You muttered, taking a gulp of water to quench your newfound thirst.

Momo stared at you as you downed over half the bottle in one sip. "Calm down there (Y/N), you're gonna choke if you drink so fast." She gave you a pat on the back as she went back to join Sana and Chaeyoung in the water.

"It's your fault I got so thirsty." You said under your breathe, watching Momo waddle off into the distance.

You close your eyes for a second, the sun had been bearing down on you for a while now and you had been avoiding the water while the girls were excited since you didn't want to strain your knee any more than it was. Suddenly you notice how much darker it had become, you peeked your right eye open to see Jeongyeon holding an umbrella over you, she was wearing a green one piece and had a water bottle in her free hand.

"If I realized you were so thirsty I would've of brought you another water." Jeongyeon laughed.

"Well it is hot outside." You said, taking another sip from the water.

"You should still pace yourself, don't want you choking out here." Jeongyeon took a seat next to you in the sand.

"You'd give me CPR if I did right?"

"Uh I-ummm I don't really know CPR I'll go ask Chaeyoung if she knows." Jeongyeon said in a rush before quickly getting up and jogging away towards the rest of the girls.

You were then left alone in your seat wondering if you said something to make her leave. You looked over to the 4 girls in the water playing and you couldn't help but smile at what you were seeing, they seemed like such normal people instead of the idols you had been seeing on stage. You really felt special being able to see them like this.

"(Y/N)! Come over, the water is soooo nice!" You heard Chaeyoung yell, waving you towards the group.

You smiled to yourself before slowly getting up from your seat and wobbling your way towards them. You stopped right before the water reached your feet and bent down taking off your knee brace and tossing it onto the sand.

"Oh (Y/N), are you sure it's okay to take that off?" 

"Huh? Yeah it's just to make sure I don't mess it up when I'm walking around." You gave your knee a slight stretch before dipping your toes into the water.

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