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You arrive to the venue bright and early, having been asked to by the team for a briefing. You were happy to comply since you couldn't really sleep the night before since you felt the butterflies creeping in your stomach.

"There's the man of the hour!" You hear Park Jinsub as you enter the room, he was accompanied by who you can only assume to be the club chairman and some other important people who you'll probably never meet again.

It was your standard conference room, a long table stood on the stage with three microphones on the, presumably for you, the first team manager, and the club chairman. The rest of the room was filled with about 100 chairs, you presumed for the reporters.

"Did you find some friend to come?" Your manager says as you greet everyone.

"Yes I did, they should be here when the press conference starts." 

"Perfect, we just wanted to give you a run down so you're not too surprised when we start." He says, giving you a pat on the back,

"By the way this is the club chairman, Huh Tae-soo and this is the one that will be officiating the conference, her name is Nana Ou-yang."

"Good to finally meet you kid." The chairman said, giving you a firm handshake.

"Likewise sir, thank you for giving me this opportunity." You bow back.

"Um.. (Y/N), it's nice to meet you. I'm actually a big fan." Nana Ouyang spoke up. 

"Oh really? I'm actually quite the fan of yours as well." You smile back at her.

There was a bit of silence after you two exchanged words until one of the press workers came in, asking everyone to get ready for a rehearsal. You went back stage as directed and waited for your que as they started the presentation.

"A big thank you everyone for coming to our press conference today." Nana started. "Today we have a special presentation from Fc Seoul, if you could all join me in welcoming Chairman Huh Tae Soo and First Team Manager Park Jin Sub."

The two of them walk out and give their little spiel about you without dropping you name as you awkwardly sat around the corner waiting to walk in. You felt a bit embarrassed hearing the two of them say their bits about you, but you swallow that feeling and just continue with the plans. In all honestly the rehearsal wasn't too bad, all that was left was the actual event now.

You had gotten a text from Chaeyoung earlier that her and some members had made it into the event and were not waiting in the seats for it to start. She had asked what this was for but you told her to wait for the surprise, you said she would love it while she remain skeptical. 

"Why do you think there are so many reporters here?" Jihyo asked Chaeyoung as they were sitting amongst the crowd.

"Um, no clue. Every time I ask he just says I'll find out." Chaeyoung responds.

"You're telling me that a man you met on the plane invites you to a random press conference... and you just show up?!" Sana says, she was slightly worried that she was dragged into this now.

"Hey don't make that face, Pinky-manager has met (Y/N) and he thinks (Y/N) is safe." Chaeyoung pouts, pointing over to their manager for confirmation.

Jihyo and Sana look towards their manager who just nods in assurance. The two just shrug and go back to waiting for the illustrious (Y/N) to finally appear.

"Maybe he's a solo artist making his debut." Sana whispers over to Jihyo.

"Oh, he could me a new actor." Jihyo responds back.

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