First Day on The Job

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It felt like all of time slowed down as you noticed everyone was staring at you, waiting in anticipation for the DJ to speak, knowing the next words he spoke could reveal your identity. You would want nothing more than to be able to go unnoticed if possible.

"Doesn't he... doesn't he look a little young to be a manager?" One of the DJ's waved their finger at you.

"You're right! He looks about their age." The other DJ joked. "Maybe he's dating one of the members." The DJ directed everyone's attention back towards Twice.

"Oh no! Not at all!" Jihyo laughed off the question. "There's no way we would date a manager."

"Oh don't be like that, I bet you just broke his heart." The DJ laughed. 

All of the members looked towards you with questions in their eyes, trying to see if what the DJ said was true. You just simply waved your hand with your head down. They all shared a laugh before continuing with their conversation.

"Well speaking of dating, there have been murmurs around the media that there is something goin on between Twice and a certain football player from England. What are your thoughts on that?" The main DJ asks Jihyo.

"Oh... well you see, we, uh... I think..." Jihyo fumbled over her words, as much as she mentally prepared for this question to be asked, she wasn't ready for it in the moment knowing that possibly the entire nation was listening but even worse was the idea that you were listening and she knew what.

"We just happen to all happen really get along with him." Nayeon spoke up in her stead, the older also placed her hand over Jihyo's.

"He's a really good person and we're glad we can be friends with him but there's really nothing to it" Tzuyu added to the comments Nayeon had made.

You tried to hid the smile that was forming on your face but you couldn't help it, you often had people sing your praises but something about hearing it come out of Nayeon and Tzuyu's mouth felt the same way it did as when you first got complements from the Arsenal first team or the media. 

You noticed that Mina was looking in your direction, she had a shy smile on her face trying to discretely convey that even though she didn't say anything she agreed with what they said. You knew that they wouldn't lie to you but you still felt something in your chest, it was like your heart was being pressed on and you couldn't look Mina in the eyes.

"So, how's it feel knowing someone that's played with some of your favorite players?"  Jeongyeon asked Dahyun as they say in the piano room.

"You're talking about (Y/N) right?" Dahyun said, in between testing out piano cords.

"Yeah, who else?"

"You never know." Dahyun shrugged. "But it was really surreal at first you know? Sure we've met some incredibly famous people but (Y/N) was a different level, he's met some of the most famous people on the planet and now we know him... sooo basically I know Aubameyang." 

Dahyun gloated to Jeongyeon with her hands held up in victory. Jeongyeon could only laugh at her actions knowing that for Dahyun, being a long time Dortmund fan, having a friend that knows someone like Aubameyang must be unimaginable.

"Very funny, but you've never met him personally." Jeongyeon said back, sketching down some lyrics into her notebook.

"I bet (Y/N) could pull some strings." Dahyun stuck her tongue out.

The two of them went back to preparing some songs for their next comeback, JYP had reached out to Twice to start producing lyrics, instrumentals, and/or the whole song for their next album. Jeongyeon and Dahyun decided to team up and try to write ballad for them, they knew that not every song would make the album so they thought they'd team up to maximize their chances.

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