0.5: Sana's Destiny

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Just to preface, this was meant to come out on Halloween but as you can see... a little late :), sorry about that but please enjoy the story. ALSO A LARGE CHUNK OF THIS WAS WRITTEN BY THE LEGENDARY  nineandone SO PLEASE SAY THANK YOU IN THE COMMENTS OR IN THEIR COMMENTS JUST SHOW SOME LOVE. 

This is also a little side story to the main story of this book. In universe, in cannon, however you like to think about it c:

now... enjoy c:


'To those of me who followed my footsteps... if you're listening to this then it's already too late' The phone played it's recorded message as the sound of a film reel rolling continued to fill the empty theatre.

Sana took another look around the dimly lit room, the only sources of light coming from the film being projected onto the screen behind her and the phone placed on the seat in front of her

'You've made it this far... that means you're already as the end, don't even try to fix it. There's nothing you can do. They're already dead.' The recoding continued to play as Sana kept investigating her surroundings, her eyes finally landing upon the silver screen the scene that appeared sending a cold wind down her spine.

"Come on Mina, you can stop all of this." Jihyo huffed as the sweat dripped down her forehead onto the cement floor.

"She can't hear you Ji, don't even try."  Chaeyoung said as she sat against one of the support columns, most of the parking garage had been destroyed already, much like most of the city had been destroyed in the wake of the collisions that lead the four of them to where they are now.

The girls felt the emotional dread upon being in front of their possessed friend. Chaeyoung, still unable to accept the outcome in her heart, knew better than the others that there was no other outcome for her.

And neither was there for Mina.

A sudden burst of air was let out from Mina's standpoint, slightly tumbling the girls, but finding their footing so they wouldn't be knocked down.

"Please. Mina."

Chaeyoung always hated the way her member's voices broke down, it always stung her heart, her feelings.

But even so, what she hated the most was how deep down, she could hear Mina's cries for help.

It didn't matter whether she imagined things or not, she was not going to go down without a fight.

Neither was Mina.

"Sana, get started. We'll hold her off until you're ready."

Sana hesitated, but kneeled nonetheless, bringing her hands together Sana channeled all her energy into the palm of her hands before quickly expanding them and displaying the multiple timelines. She had to have faith, only she could fix everything.

"Momo, Jihyo, don't let her near Sana," Chaeyoung kept giving out instructions as she extended her arm to the side before a glow emitted from the pal of her hand, "I'll distract Mina as much as I can," she promised, making the glow quickly turn into a double edged spear.

Not only did she made her divine spear appear, but with her aura changing into that of a deity meant that Chaeyoung was not about to make her feelings drag her down anymore.

As soon as she finished her transformation, she felt Mina's reaction to it... she saw it as well, the different tails approaching her immediately made the girl dodge with ease and with caution, different tails on different directions started to go against her, and Chaeyoung had no other choice but to dodge as much as she could.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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