First Date

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You had made your way back to their dorm only to see Sana and Momo walking out of the door towards the van. It turns out that this van wasn't intended to drop you off it was intended to pick up Momo and Sana, it just happened to work out like that. You laughed at the situation before getting out of the van to a warm reception from the pair.

"(Y/N)!" Both girls yelled as they ran up and pulling you into a group hug.

"Oh, hi there, how are you?" You ask, you breath having been taken away from the impact of the hug.

"We're good, we're just headed to JYP to film something!" Sana exclaimed.

"I've heard." You laughed. "I was actually getting dropped off by your ride."

"Aw." Momo pouted. "We didn't even get to hang out with you."

"Yeah, everyone else got to!" Sana added.

"Oh, I didn't realize you wanted to hang out with me..." You chuckled. "How about you text me when you're free?"

"Hmmm, fine but you better not be lying." Sana pouted as she stepped into the van.

"Of course not."

"Bye (Y/N)~" Momo waved as she got into the van.

"Bye Momo, stay safe." You waved to the van as it drove off into the distance and you walked back towards the parking lot.

"What an interesting guy." Momo said, buckling her seatbelt.

"Yeah, but he better hang out with us." Sana said while puffing her cheeks.

"Sana you do realize that we don't have his number right?" Momo comments, not meaning to burst her bubble.

You could hear Sana's yell from the van as it drove away into the horizon. You couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of what Momo could've said to cause that reaction.

The rest of the week flew by with not much interactions coming between you and Twice, they were all booked with a bunch of filming while training was keeping you occupied. Friday had come sooner than you expected and your next match would be this upcoming Sunday, it would be your first home game for the club against the Suwon Bluewings, you were really hoping you would make your first start at home but you would have to wait and see.

Something else you were really looking forward to was spending the day with Mina, you had gotten it all cleared with the management on Monday so her name was on the list and everything was ready to go, all you had to do was bring her there. You look at the time to see the clock read '6:30' you sit up in bead and send Mina a quick message. After it's sent you get up and head towards the shower, you aren't used to waking up this early but since you had to get Mina, the earlier the better.

The soft buzzing of her phone on the nightstand brought Mina out of her slumber. Her eyes peeled open as she saw her room illuminated with an orange glow through the window. 

She looked at her phone to see it was barely scrapping 6:00 am, why was she up so early you might ask, well in about an hour (Y/N) would arrive in front of her building to take her to a whole day of training with him in a professional team. That's right, professional, the pinnacle of the Korean footballing system, so she was not about to go without looking her best.

Mina sits up in her bed and stretches out her arms, letting out a yelp of satisfaction from the release of all the stiffness that accumulated over the night. You looked around for a moment, in a daze from having woken up so early, before swinging her legs off the bed before forcing herself off the bed. She made her way to the bathroom where she looked at herself in the mirror before splashing some water on her face.

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