9 - Trouble Brews at Home

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You woke up the following morning to a text from Chaeyoung. It read 'Hey! I heard you got hurt at practice yesterday :(, I hope you feel better and good luck today!' You smiled to yourself looking at the message before quickly responding and hoping out of bed to make your way to the stadium. Luckily it was a home game so you didn't need to worry about traveling and could focus on your check up.

You arrived about 30 minutes before the rest of the team, walking into the medical area you were greeted by Dr. Kim again. He was sat alone at the desk reviewing some papers as you approached.

"It's nice to see you again Dr. Kim." You smiled as you approached.

"I'm not exactly sure that's what you should be saying (Y/N)." Dr. Kim smiled. "How's your leg?"

"I still feel it, I think it's bruising." You mentioned.

"Well take a seat and we'll have a look at it." Dr. Kim pointed towards the seats.

While Dr. Kim started inspecting the injury you decided to check how the fans were getting ready for the game. The line ups wouldn't come out for another few hours so you were confident that you could find your way onto the bench. As you browsed Twitter you noticed that there was an article about you, the title read '(Y/N) seen limping off the training grounds after a collision, doubtful to play against Suwon Bluewings.' 

Intrigued by the title you decide to read through the article only to find out it was mostly clickbait, although it did have a brief section detailing the incident it was mostly just pictures of you being helped off the field as everyone else was huddled in a circle. Scrolling down more you end up at the comments section, and what better thing to do than to read social media commentary about yourself?

'Hope he is okay, he was immense for us last time and I would hate to see him injured.' One comment wrote.

'Imagine giving some kid from England the title of the article, doesn't even deserve to play for us, overrated' Read another.

'We should rest him for the next match, Suwon are barely a challenge anyways.' This reply in particular had quite the feisty thread of replies.

'Why does that girl remind me of someone... weird' This comment stuck out to you .

Quickly zooming into the photo you noticed that it was actually Mina in the picture. Luckily enough she wasn't facing the camera so there's no real way for her to be identified but still, for someone to vaguely recognize her this picture... it send a shiver down your spine. Trying to get your mind off it, you looked back to Dr. Kim who was touching around you leg still.

"How's it looking Doc?" You asked.

"There doesn't seem to be anything bad, it looks like just some bad bruising. You should be all cleared for today's game but I'll let the boss know to limit you at most 45 minutes on the pitch." Dr. Kim said as he wrote everything down on the notepad.

"Only 45 minutes? Why? I thought I was all clear." You asked in confusion as you rolled your shorts back down.

"Listen, I understand that you're ambitious and you leave everything on the pitch, but I'm not about to let you go out there and get injured further. Just play it same for today and next week you should be back in action." Dr. Kim said as he reached into his pocket for his phone. "I'm calling the manager now so you can head out to the locker room."

"Fine, fine." You said as you got up from your seat. "I'll see you later Dr. Kim."

"Good luck today!" You heard the doctor shout as you exited the medical room, walking down the empty halls of the facility let you empty your brain before the game. 

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