Finally Debuting

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Just a heads up this is gonna be a game chapter so maybe not as much Twice as you would like. If you want you can skip the gam senses, it's very easy to know where they are.

Besides that thank you for reading again, Come on you Gunners.


"Come on we're going to be late" Jeongyeon said as she paced down the corridor of the stadium

"Jeong, calm down. We have plenty of time until the game starts." Chaeyoung told her, watching her unnie bounce off the walls.

"Let her be Chaeng, she's just excited to be in the stadium again." Mina held Chaeyoung back from bullying Jeongyeon anymore.

Currently Jeongyeon, Mina, Dahyun, and Chaeyoung were being lead to your player box by a member of staff, although not all of Twice could make it, Jihyo and Nayeon stayed with the managers to park the car. The rest of the members (Tzuyu, Momo and Sana) had a scheduled photoshoot, unfortunately.

"And here you are." The staff member said, showing them a door with a good plate simply reading '(Y/N) (L/N)'.

"Oh how fancy." Chaeyoung said to herself has she slowly opened the door, to see you sitting there speaking to someone in a team tracksuit.

"(Y/N)!" Chaeyoung yelled, running up to you and giving you a hug. "How are you doing? Ready for the game?"

"Ah Chae!" You jumped, surprised at the sudden assault. "I'm as ready as I can be."

"It seems like your visitors came, I'll be in the dressing room. Make sure you're not late." One of the medical staff says, before excusing himself.

"Hi (Y/N)~" You turn to see Dahyun walking in, shorty followed by Jeongyeon and Mina.

"Ah it's nice to see you Dahyun." You say giving a bow to her as well as Mina and Jeongyeon. "Nice to finally meet you two."


"Nice to meet you two."

"From what I've been told you two are the biggest fans of football out of the bunch." You lead the conversation.

"Yeah, we started watching during our time on Sixteen, that's where we really started to bond." Mina say, walking over to the rest of you.

"Oh, do you both support Seoul?" You asked.

"Yep." "We do."

"Oh that's good to hear, hopefully you can be a fan of me as well." You chuckle before taking a look at the time. "I'm sorry to cut our meeting short but I've got to go."

You get up and say your goodbyes before exiting the room, leaving the four girls alone in the suite.

"Well he seems nice." Jeongyeon smiles as she takes a seat overlooking the stadium

"Yeah, he's great." Dahyun says taking a seat "He also knows so much about football!"

"Well I'd hope so, he's a professional." Mina joked, taking a bottle of water from the mini fridge.

"Hey guy sorry we're late." Jihyo says, walking in followed by Nayeon and Pinky manager. "Oh, where's (Y/N)?"

"He had to go, he's actually right there I think." Chaeyoung points down to your team warming up on the pitch.

"Damn, I was really looking forward to meeting him." Nayeon pouted as she plopped onto the couch.

"I'm sure you'll have a chance after the match." Chaeyoung said.

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