Quirk: Imposter
User can turn their stomach into a large mouth with a knife-like tounge.
User can summon a gun.
User can summon a knife.
User can gain strength to snap one's neck.
User can only die if dropped from 100m+, is thrown in space, ejected into the sun, or thrown in lava.Drawbacks:
User can only use quirk every 30 seconds.
User's ability is random.
Gun only has 1 bullet.
Knife disappears after one use.
Strength fades after one use.
Stomach mouth fuses shut after one use.

Quirk ideas (Feel free to use them)
FanfictionJust random quirk Ideas that pop in my head. I do not own BNHA. Feel free to comment on what you might add or new quirk ideas. This is full, and now there are more books. P.S. I get influenced easily when thinking of ideas, so if you see your own...