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It was late, early morning even but once again the apprentice and General were far from ready to sleep. She stood in front of the bathroom mirror, brushing back her hair to reveal marks on her neck and shoulders, training bruises from where she had let her guard down recently. She delicately ran her fingers along them, seething a little at their stinging. 

Still, she didn't really mind, they were a given and it was her fault she kept getting distracted. 

" okay?" Armitage called from the bedroom.


She straightened the work shirt of his she wore as she left the bathroom and climbed back into bed, rested on her arm, looking down at him. 

"I'm fine...but what about you? How's everything?" 

"...I've got a lot to do actually because of a certain someone always taking up my time." he murmured, reaching up to brush her cheek but she pulled away apologetically. "Not that that's a bad thing." 

"I can always go if you need me to-"

"No, I'll be fine, really. I can manage..." 

"I can do anything, I just don't want to be in the way but I guess this is nothing compared to even approaching the infamous apprentice."

"Oh, yeah, she is terrifying, ruthless even..." he said and she laughed, slumping back against the pillows lazily. "I wonder where I could find her at this hour." 

" of the officer's quarters, one of the...higher ups..." She ran a hand through his hair that was sticking up in a whole manner of places. "I think he may have managed to seduce her against her better judgement." 

"From what I've heard it's the other way round. Must have used those magic...Force powers." 

"Maybe she did..." 

She mindlessly ran her hand through his hair and along his chest for a few minutes, listening to the hum of the base, looking over at the window where it was beginning to snow heavily once again until she spoke, breaking the silence. 

"...Would you tell me about Arkanis..." she muttered and he looked down. 

"There's not much to tell..." 

"Every planet has a story...there must be." she said, climbing out of the sheets and sitting just opposite him; he sat up a little. 

"Why do you want to know?" 

"Believe it or not I haven't seen that much of the galaxy. Barely any planets and those I have been to...I wasn't there long. I've been stuck on this base all my life. Even my home I barely remember...just flashes." 

He thought for a second, watching how her hair fell when she looked down at her hands, fiddling with her shirt. 

"It's...a rainforest planet, covered in trees as far as the eye can see. Always seemed to be raining, you could barely see the sky...or the sun." he said and she looked up, leaning forward as she listened. "I suppose it could be beautiful if it was ever anything but grey. I remember there were mountains though: white peaks, shear rocks even the trees couldn't get all the way up. Although there was once, that I really remember, when the sky was clear and it was one of the only times I ever saw the sun, ever felt it." He smiled ever so weakly then looked up. "We had to leave, my father and I, some kind of attack. They targeted him and for some reason he decided to take me with him. Maybe if he'd left me I would've been captured or something, anything would be better than enduring what I in, day out...his wrath." 

"But I never would have met you." 

"No...and looking back on it, perhaps it was worth it. Amelia, you are beautiful." 

Blinded by the Dark | General HuxWhere stories live. Discover now