New Years Eve

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Leo's POV

I lay my head on my desk in frustration while rubbing my hair violently.

I'm in bunker 9 trying to think of ways to just talk to her.
I had already hung out with Harley as the days passed. Yet during those times not once have I met up with Nora. And yes I admit, I was a coward.

I had no idea what to say or how to approach her so I took the easy way out and decided to write her a letter instead so that way I can express everything I can fully without freezing up and loosing track of what I wanted to say to her.

Plus I was always better with writing down my feelings rather than expressing them in person. My words wouldn't ever show how I truly feel if I said them in person compared to my writing.

But I was struggling with how to put all my jumbled thoughts onto paper. So this is why I'm rubbing my head frantically as I can't figure this out.

Well, that was until my thoughts suddenly cleared when I found out what tomorrow is and everything in my mind seemed to organise its self. That's when all my words Flowed out of me and then onto paper.

I also added the necklace I made her that says 'I survived' on it just to show how strong she really is.

I sat there writing for what felt like hours until I finally signed the paper and got up to place the letter with her name on it somewhere in her bunker.

Nora's POV

Tomorrow's New Year's Eve and my friends including Annabeth, Piper and Hazel (since camp half-blood were hosting this years party) were trying to persuade me to come.

I didn't have it in my heart to go. I was still very confused and torn up right now. So much that I feel like I'm not even able to control my own body. I feel like I have no control in what I'm doing and that I'm someone's puppet.

Knowing their stubbornness and how they won't take no for an answer, they left me alone when I said, "I'll think about it."

But before they left, they had place a beautiful plain white dress that reached my knees on my my bed.

Why white you may ask.

Well this year's celebration is different. We're going to throw powdered paint in the air once the countdown finishes.

It sounds fun but it would take all of my willpower away when I see everyone's smiling faces as if all is right in the world. I'm not saying it's wrong, but it would be wrong of me to show up all moody and bring down everyone's mood.

So yeah, I was deciding to skip.

But when I take my glasses off ready for a nap and place it in my drawer next to my bed, I notice a letter with my name on it.

And no it's not in cursive although that would be awesome.
It'll be like I'm being invited to a fancy ball.

Curiosity compelled me to open the mysterious letter despite me having a clue on who had written it.

Normal writing - present actions
Italics - letter

The letter


That's all I need to say. Dear sounds too formal and I hate formal, it makes me sound.....

That's not the point of this.

I wore my glasses again after reading the letter.

I'm not good with letters or feelings but one thing I am sure about, is you.

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