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Nora POV

As soon as Leo mentioned breakfast my stomach grumbled but thankfully Leo didn't hear it. I didn't even notice how time flew by. The sun was high in the Sky radiating heat and just by looking at it, gives me a boost of energy.
Leo walks by my side in a comfortable silence until we meet the rest of the group in the dining room.
They were all in their seats eating their breakfast and having small talk with each other.
As soon as we walked in everyone stopped to look at me. It was really uncomfortable how everyone's eyes were on me. I was never used to this much of attention and I never want to be.
'Good morning' I say to at least start up a conversation without it being awkward and to try and stay away from the talk about yesterday.
Everyone said their good mornings to me and Leo while we went to sit down. I sat next to Leo since he's the only person I trust and know and to my right was hazel who gave me a warm smile.
'Hey, Nora right?' Hazel said in a gentle and friendly way.
'Yep, the one and only.' I replied an enthusiastic tone to keep things light.
Hazel seemed like she was going to say something until Percy decided to interrupt our conversation.
'Hey Nora can you still see without your glasses?' I facepalmed at his question. Seriously, why do people always think that people who wear glasses can't see without them. Not all the people who wear glasses are blind. I try to put a smile on my face and answer in a polite manner,' can you live without Annabeth keeping you in check' I say not listening to my thoughts and being polite. I couldn't help it ok, it slipped out.
To my surprise everyone laughed at my comment. This made me smile.
' watch out Leo, I may take your place and become the jokester' I say while raising my right eyebrow.
'Ha you wish, no one can replace Leo Valdez bad boy supreme'. I just laughed at his reply while everyone else joined in.
'Ok whatever you say Leo. Guys I want to get to know all of you so it is ok if you can share at least one thing with me. You don't have to tell me your whole story because you may not still trust me fully.' I was a little nervous about asking the question but I just need to know at least something about them so I can trust them too and be close to them.
'Of course Nora we trust you. After all you did save us yesterday'.
Everyone was happy to answer my question without any hesitations. I found out that Percy loves blue and would always eat blue food. That explained a lot. Annabeth wanted to be an architect which makes sense since she is so smart and creative. Hazel loves to draw which I understood since she looked like an artist. I can tell things like that. Franks family is from China, Greece, Rome and Canada. Wow, his family traveled a lot. Piper can charm speak. Now I just grew more scared id piper were to talk to me because I would have to listen to her. Jason said he can fly. I always thought he resembled superman. Finally Leo said he was good with mechanics and building stuff.
'Wow that's so cool. You guys are so talented and just.....AMAZING. I wish I was as good as all of you.' I was so impressed by everyone and what they could do.
'Nora, everyone is special and talented in their own way'. Annabeth said. She was so wise.
' I know but sometimes it's just hard to believe'. I said while looking down at my hands that were drumming on the table to a song in my head. When i get bored I usually tap or drum my fingers to keep them moving. But just so you know I don't have ADHD.
'So why don't you tell us something about your self, Nora' Jason said to release the tension in the room.
To be honest I had to think about it because there were so many things I could do but I was never perfect at it. So I just stuck to my family background and where I came from. It was easier that way.
'Umm..I was born and grew up in England, but my whole entire family, except for my parents of course, live in Egypt. I can also speak Arabic. And no it's not called speaking Egyptian'. I always hated it when people asked if I speak Egyptian because the right term for it was Arabic.
'Wait so your saying you can speak one of the hardest languages to learn, fluently?' Annabeth said with a surprised and look of awe on her face.
'Uhh...yes' I said shyly afraid of what the others would think of me.
'That's impressive.' My face grew warm at Annabeth's compliment.

'Seriously, no one was impressed that I could speak Spanish' Leo said with a pout. Aww he looks so cute when he's sad. Wait what did I just say. Snap it if it Nora. You can't start having a crush on someone because they never like you back and that just makes you doubt yourself more.
'I think Spanish is a really cool language to speak plus I wouldn't mind learning Spanish from you. I only know a small amount of Spanish' I said to try and cheer him up. Which in fact, it did.
'Well let's get started then.' He gets up from his seat and pulls you along with him while he holds your arm lightly but strong enough for him to pull me along with him.
'Well isn't someone eager'. You say still being dragged by Leo to who knows where.
'Well I just want to do something first and then we can get started.' We stopped and walked into a room that looked like a mess. Metal parts and some junk were littered everywhere in the room. I could only guess which room we were in. It was Leo's bedroom. I'm guessing he doesn't come here much or clean up since the bed looks like it hasn't been slept in, in a long time.
'Sorry about the mess, I like working like this better'.
'Ok but isn't it kind of dangerous, someone could get badly hurt if they trip over one of your stuff laying about on the floor'
'Yeah yeah, I'll do that later. So what lense size do you wear?' He said while now sitting on a chair and drawing out a plan on his desk. It was a random question but I didn't think it mattered so i just answered truthfully.
'A size 2 I think'
'Ok' Leo said still focusing on whatever he's doing on his desk. Once he finished he said 'ok student, ready to learn some Spanish from this bad boy'. I rolled my eyes at his confidence. Wow this is going to be a long day.

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