I get super powers

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Nora POV

Really embarrassed by my clumsiness, I stood up facing the god himself, Apollo. 'So I am right, your the one my mum told me about who blessed me'.
'It is all true. You are still mortal but you have the blood of a god coursing through your veins. That's how you transported from England to Greece.' Apollo explained, although it didn't make sense to me. I wasn't the only one, every demigod in the room was still paralysed and confused.

'Ok, but I still don't understand how I transported here' I replied choosing my words carefully.
'You just discovered one of your powers which is travelling at the speed of light. That's how you travelled so far away in a splint second.' Apollo said with ease as if it was totally normal someone could do that.
' I ... can travel .... at....the speed of light? Wow that's...AWESOME'. I said shrieking and jumping up and down.

' wait, but Apollo I thought that no one has inherited that kind of power not even your own children much less and mortal who you blessed.'Annabeth  spoke up after she got over her shock. She did have a point, I mean I've never heard of the power of travelling at the speed of light from Apollo.
'It's true but Nora is special and has figured out the secret I have kept for so long, no one was able to figure out this power and use it because it was too dangerous and people would take advantage of it. However, Nora figured it out and can now travel at the speed of light. But that is not her only power she has many more to unlock.' Apollo said with a proud grin on his face when he looked at Nora.
'I can see why my mum loved you'. I said 'speaking of my mum we haven't exactly got that happinesses part you promised us'.
'It will come in due time trust me and tell your mother I say hello and that I miss her'. Those were the last words he said before he left and disappeared.

'Well that was unexpected' Leo said breaking the silence.
I replied sarcastically saying, 'ya think' .
'Love the sarcasm Nora' Leo said while I rolled my eyes.
'So Nora, you've got the power to teleport, that's so cool.' A boy with black hair and sea green eyes said. I think his name was Percy. I could only reply with a 'thanks' because I didn't know what else to say.
'It's getting late, we can talk about this in the morning, good night guys'. The girl named Hazel said before she left to go to her room. Everyone else did the same and went to their rooms except for me and Leo. Alone again. Awkward.
'Ummm so where do I sleep?' I asked to break the awkwardness.
'Oh right. Umm you can sleep in the guest room we have. Come on I'll show you.' Leo said. You followed behind him through the corridors of the ship until Leo stopped at a door.
'This is the room you will be sleeping in and if you need anything, your bedroom is right next to mine.'
'Thanks Leo you I appreciate all you've done for me.' I said really grateful to know Leo. 'Anytime princesa, good night'. Leo said. I loved the nickname he gave me but I will never admit it to him. It was a nickname that had the same meaning in Arabic AND Spanish which made it special because it connected both our cultures together.
'Goodnight Leo' you said walking to your bed and falling asleep. It didn't take much effort to sleep as I was really tired after everything that just happened today.

I had a peaceful night with no nightmares or past memories coming to haunt me for once. But just like all my happiness and peace it ended quickly and I was woken up by an earthquake? Wait I'm on a boat so there can't be an earthquake. But the boat was rocking back and forth vividly making me feel sick.

I tumbled out of bed and ran up to see who woke me up from my peaceful sleep. I stopped in my tracks realising that I was wearing PJs that I borrowed from piper. They were matching PJs, the top having Micky mouse on the front in black and white while also wearing shorts with tiny Mickey mouses all around it. I personally loved Disney so I loved the PJs but I was embarrassed going up there looking like this especially when my hair was so messy and out of place. It takes a while to tame my hair and make it look less messy. It's harder than you think with curly hair.

I decided that I just didn't care anymore when I felt the ship rick even harder this time making me stumble and nearly fall flat on my face. So I ran up the stairs until I saw that I wasn't the only one who woke up in their PJs wanting to find the cause of the problem. Everyone else was on deck looking really tired and messy. They were fighting something, I didn't know what. I ran straight to Leo asking him what's going on.
'I was just talking with Festus while on watch and then BOOM this thing just attacks my ship'. Leo said really angry that the monster just destroyed some parts of the ship that Leo held dear. I never saw this side of Leo and I never thought I would. It actually kind of scared me.

I saw Leo running into battle with his usual clothes and holding a hammer as if it would do a lot of damage. And apparently I was proven wrong it could actually do a lot of damage. I don't know what to do I wasn't very helpful because I didn't know much about fighting like everyone else. Percy tried to drown the creature with his water powers, Annabeth was trying to stimulate a plan but kept stabbing at the monster, Hazel was on a horse slashing at the monster, frank turned into a shark trying to attack the creature from the water(it's so cool he can change form), Jason was flying like the superman he is and also fighting the monster with his sword, Leo was in FLAMES( no way that's awesome) and last but not least piper was charm speaking the monster into leaving us alone which is not working because that's not the monsters deepest desire.

A plan formed in my mind and I let my reflexes take over. I normally think with my brain and not trust my instincts because I don't trust myself. I was always the shy type and never really wanted to stand out but I really needed to listen to my own voice in my head and trust my instincts this time in order to save my new friends.
I had to do this to save my friends. So I did something I would never have done in-front of anyone. I sang.

I know what you all are thinking, I bet your thinking how a mortal girl who was blessed by Apollo save her friends by singing. Well you'll find out soon enough in the next chapter.

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