Stupid leo

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It was time for dinner so I decided to tell Nora about it since she might be hungry after all thats happened to her. It must've have been making her go crazy. I climbed up to the mast to find that she was still talking to her mum, so I watched her until she could finish because I didn't want to interrupt their heart to heart moment.

It didn't work out, I was spotted by Nora's mum which made Nora give me a death glare that made me want to curl into a ball and hide.
Before I could run away so I wouldn't be killed, I heard Nora say 'you always come at the right places at the right time, don't you?' She said it in a bitter and angry tone.
I must've have interrupted something really important.

To lighten up the mood I replied with 'it's my speciality plus dinners ready.' I was standing there waiting for her to finish saying goodbye to her mum. But when I overheard her saying her goodbyes I realised that she wasn't speaking English. I was surprised by the fact she can speak another language. I don't know why. I guess because I thought she was from England and they didn't really speak other languages fluently.

I decided to ask her after she finished, ' hey princess, can I ask you a question?'
'What is it?' She said in a angry tone, I guess she's still mad at me for interrupting her even though I didn't mean to. 'What language were you speaking, I thought you only spoke English, you know, because you live in England.' I replied curiously.
'Just because I grew up in England and have a British accent doesn't mean I can't speak another language. And to answer your question, I was speaking Arabic. My whole family including my parents were born and raised in Egypt. But my parents migrated to England and I was born there. I grew up in a British environment but I still had my parents to speak to me in Arabic so that when I go back to Egypt to meet my family I understand what they say. My family don't understand English so that's the only way to communicate with them. I also didn't start speaking until I was 3 because I was confused with the different languages' when she explained it her tone softened a bit and she was smiling to herself while remembering the memories. It made me warm inside, the way she talked about her family, it's clear that she deeply loves them and would do anything for them.
'I speak Spanish and my whole family used to live in Houston'
'Wow that's so cool I've always wanted to speak Spanish' She said in an amazed tone that nearly made me blush. Nearly. She made me feel proud to speak such a language which is a strange feeling since I've never felt proud about myself or my background.
'Is Arabic not enough, it's an amazing skill to have to speak such a hard language that not many people understand. So you would be able to say funny comments or say weird phrases to me and my friends and we would have no clue what your saying'. I said adding a wink.
'First of all I love learning about different cultures and languages and second I will keep what you said in mind. Thanks for giving me some great ideas to do in the future'. She said with a mischievous smirk that matches mine when I come up with a plan. Oh no. I just gave her an idea. This is not going to end well.

I wished I had a family like hers. She's lucky to have a family who actually care about her. What I don't get is why she always feels sad and hides away her pain. To me it sounds like she has a wonderful life until she met us of course. I'll get her to open up to me somehow, I've done it before when I was 5 I can do it again.
We walked to the dining room so we can have dinner and also so I can introduce Nora to my friends.
We finally arrived to the dining room, everyone was seated even coach hedge. I sat near the corner of the room next to hazel. I led Nora to sit next to me since she's familiar with me, plus I didn't want her to feel awkward or uncomfortable.
Once we sat down I introduced Nora to everyone and told her who all our godly parents were. Nora looked really shy and nervous by being here. I couldn't blame her, I mean she literally just fell out of the sky and met a bunch of strangers on a flying ship and just found out that Greek myths are real. It was a lot to take in, yet she doesn't look all that shocked.
I explained to Nora how the magic plate worked when all she had to do was think of the food she wants to eat and it will appear. She thought I was crazy until I asked her to try it. The only way I could do that was to make a bet. If I won I get to ask a favour, but if she wins she gets to be able to control my life for a day. I knew I was gonna win that's the only reason why I agreed to do the bet plus when I win I will get her to open up to me.

Guess who won. Me. Did you guys have any doubt. Anyway after we finished eating, Nora decided to explain everything she knew until now. She explained gracefully and in full detail about how she wanted to escape and leave to forget her worries only to find a dracaena interrupting her peace. She then moved on to explain how she had only just thought about Greek mythology while being chased and then somehow ended up here on this ship, while we were only just sailing from Greece. Definitely not a coincidence. She further explained what her mother had told her in the iris message and everything else up til this moment leaving out the part about us knowing each other through that dream we shared when we were 5. I didn't mind but maybe we should tell them and ask them what it might mean, since my friends are really smart.
'So from everything my mum has said I have come to a conclusion that the man who blessed me was none other than the god, Apollo'. Nora said feeling proud of herself that she solved the puzzle. Wow, she really is smart. She just keeps on surprising me.
When I looked back at the crew to see how they would react and see if they had any answers to Nora's situation only to find them staring at her. No they're staring at something BEHIND her. I look to my left to see what they were staring at and I realised that they were looking at the god himself, Apollo.

When Nora realised the distress in the group she turned to see what was the problem only to see a tall handsome man with wavy blonde hair, sunglasses and a tanned skin. He looked about 18 when he's wearing a simple shirt that had a haiku written on it with blue jeans. He looked like any regular teenager except that he had a glowing aura surrounding him that made people know he was a god.

As soon as Nora saw him she jumped right out of her seat and fell, she then crawled under the table. She was so scared it was adorable. I mean it was funny not adorable. I don't know where that came from. I wanted to laugh so hard about her reaction but I realised the tension and seriousness in the room so I decided to stay quiet.
Apollo gave a sweet smiling while saying 'Hey Nora, I've waited a long time to meet you'

Do you guys think this is good so far. There isn't much good moments with Leo and Nora but I will get there and it will be worth the wait.There will be a lot of love and also heart break so please keep reading.

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