Forgive or Forget

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Nora's POV

School, mocks, GCSEs were the worst. It was tiring, exhausting and never ending.
Well hopefully ending for a few weeks.

It was near the end of our term which is equivalent to a semester for you Americans. And we were finally going to receive our very deserved 2 week winter break after months of mocks.

Yeah they don't go on for a week. It's weeks.

And for those 2 weeks holiday, I'm spending it at camp half blood. Well I'm actually spending the first few days with my family, then I'll go camp half blood.

26th December

"Finally, I don't have to see your face everyday. It'll be a nice relaxing week without you singing every second of everyday." Faye said.

"I agree, I no longer have to hear your horrible jokes all the time." Jojo added.

"Be nice to your sister. You guys will obviously miss her and don't try to hide it."

I smile at my mum in appreciation and hug all of them. I once again go and kiss both my sisters cheeks to annoy them knowing how much they hate it.

"Au revoir amigos." I salute them and transport back to camp by the Apollo cabin.

Au revoir amigo is just something I like to say. It's a mashup of french and Spanish basically saying 'bye friends'.

As soon as I materialised back in camp I was immediately tackled to the floor.

"Nora!" I heard Will say in enthusiasm.

"Hi Will thanks for the warm welcome." I say getting up from the ground.

"Your welcome. And to repay me you have to save me from-"

"Me." That's when I heard Nico's voice.

"What did you do?" I asked Will.

"Nothing." I give him a look, "ok I may have stolen his happy meal and replaced it with healthy food with nutrients to get his health back on track. I'm a doctor it's in my blood to take away bad food and that includes McDonald's."

"Oh your in for it now. That's your mistake Will and I will not involve myself in this."

I shake my head at him in disapproval.

"Thank you Nora. Oh and welcome back there's cake in dining pavilion."

As soon a I heard that I sprinted down there. Once I arrived there was some left over Christmas cake. I went and stuffed myself in it hoping no one saw me.

I had cake stuffed in my mouth and some of it was smeared around my lips and on my nose. And someone just had to catch me at a bad time.

"Nora? I didn't know you were back." I heard behind me.

I tried wiping my face as best I could with my sleeve and swallow the cake quickly before turning around.

There I found Leo Valdez. He was on the ship that I landed on. I think he called it the Argo 2.

"Yeah, only just arrived now."

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving. I was worried that something bad happened to you." He asks worriedly.

Why would he care that much, I hardly know him.

"Uh I-I don't know." I say confused. Feeling awkward I start fidgeting with my ring subconsciously, that I didn't even know I had.

"It's just-" he paused as if frustrated with himself. "I didn't exactly gain all your trust back and I wanna start by-" he cuts himself off when he looks up from the ground to look into my eyes.

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