Prank wars

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It is one of the longest chapter I've written but it was fun to write since I love pranks. Hope you enjoy this story.

Nora POV
A week has passed since dreaming about each other's past and sharing our darkest secrets but not all of them and me and Leo have gotten closer everyday and it was nice to finally have a friend that you can rely on.
I've gotten so close to Leo to the point that I could prank him. Yep you heard me. I'm going to prank the prankster. I bet he won't see it coming.

I planned out my prank in the guest room where I'm sleeping and have some back up pranks in case this goes wrong or I could end up in a prank war so I could be prepared for everything. I came up with every single possible outcome obviously asking Annabeth for help since this is her specialty.
So the prank I've chosen will play out soon enough so get ready because this is going to be hilarious, even just thinking about it makes me laugh.
The location of my prank will be in the engine room. I've prepared the tape and put it in place with Annabeth by my side. While preparing the prank for Leo me and Annabeth had time to bond and now we're closer than before. We found things that we have in common like reading, history and etc.
After finishing, I got my phone out ready to record the prank so I could go back at it and laugh it. I love taking videos and photos to keep the memories because we would look back and remember all the crazy stuff we used to do. Thinking about it now warms my heart and I mentally laugh.
Back to business, I got in position and set my act in motion.

I was on deck taking control of my ship and trying to figure out the compass that used to belong to Odysseus when he tried to search Calypso. It's frustrating but the only thing that keeps me going is getting Calypso back and saving her from that prison. Oh how I miss how her cinnamon hair flows, her luscious scent, her big hazel eyes that are full of love and ...
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Nora shouting my name. What did she do this time. I hope she didn't blow up the engine like last time, although it was pretty funny. You should've seen her face. It was covered in black soot and hair was sticking up like she was electrified. I laughed remembering the memory then focused back to reality.
'Help. LEO, LEO. Oh my god come quick this is an emergency.' Nora's voice sound dead serious and it concerned me. Nora's never acted like this and it actually scared me.
Without a thought I ran to her aid and it sounded like her voice was coming from the engine room. I ran as fast as my feet can take my and was close to the engine rooms door.

As I was up to the door my face hit into something and it threw me off balance. I then crash landed on my back. Ow it hurt so bad. I then hear laughing in the background. When I was finally able to look up, I see Nora laughing so hard that tears started to form in her eyes. She was laying on the ground still laughing so hard and holding her stomach.
When she calmed down she came over to me to help me up. Which I gladly took but soon regretted it when she let go and I fell back down.
I groaned and decided to get up by myself. When I my brain was fully functioning what just happened I got up and Look Nora dead in the eye telling her to run.
And ran she did but what I didn't know was that this wasn't the end of her prank.
Nora got the message and ran. I ran after her to get her back but she just teleported to the top of the deck while I still had to climb the stairs.
Well I tried to climb the stairs but it was slippery and I kept falling in my butt.
Laying on the ground and touching the slippery substance, I realised I slipped on *sniff sniff* this oil? Wow I have to say, I'm impressed this is a good prank. I know I should be mad but how could I, it's Nora. But I'm not letting her go that easy.

Nora was still at the top looking down at me and laughing at my state. One good thing that came out of it was that I got to see Nora's laugh. It was like an angelic sound that was music to my ears and brought me delight.

When I was finally standing and was able to climb the stairs without falling, I went over to Nora and saw her holding her phone. No way she recorded everything. I'm so going to get her back. The prank war is finally on. Two can play at that game. I smirk mischievously at the thought and Nora noticed.
Her expression changed to confusion then understanding of what I was going to do but then it changed to fear of what I would be thinking of doing.
'Why are you looking at me like that' Nora said with a hint of curiosity in her voice.
'Nothing. But you actually scared me. I thought something happened to you' I was truly scared for Nora and was not ready to lose someone again that's really close to me.
Nora's face darkened as if regretting pulling the prank and making Leo worry.
'I'm sorry Leo I didn't mean for you to worry I just wanted to have a little fun and make memories that we can look back on and laugh when we grow older.'
'Well let the prank war commence' my grin widened from ear to ear. This is going to be interesting.

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