Planning time

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Leo's POV
While fighting Khione, she seemed like she wasn't trying her best and was a little distracted. I used this opportunity to fire at her but stopped when I caught her looking at Nora as if she was ready to make her move on her.

I kept shouting Nora's name after figuring out khiones plan, but it looked as if she was distracted or paralysed, so I went into action. I ran as fast as my scrawny body can to save Nora. My only thought was Nora and nothing else. Everything around me slowed down and it was as if me and Nora were the only people left. I couldn't lose another person whose close to me and the only person I opened up with and gave me comfort when I need it most. Her laughs made all my worries wash away. She always tries to distract me from my sorrow and to have a good time. And most of all she understands me and doesn't feel sorry for me she doesn't judge me from my past but for who I chose to be now.

As soon as I reached Nora, I pushed her out of harms way to protect her. But I can't do anything more since I'm now frozen.  Cold was the only thing I felt along with loneliness. I was back to square one.

I witnessed Nora fighting with such power I've seen in her before against khione. I was wrong about her, she can defend herself against that nasty ice queen. While Nora distracted khione, I used that time to melt the ice away so I could help and also free the rest of my friends.
Suddenly, they stopped fighting and khione was heading towards me. I couldn't hear through the ice very well but I did hear what khione had said to me.

'I won this time Leo, if you want her back alive, come and find me. If within 3 days you don't show up. Well things would end badly for your girlfriend here'.

Shock, horror, loss was all I felt when I heard what khione had said. Shock for when she called Nora my girlfriend because we were only friends nothing more. Horror, because of khiones threat about kidnapping Nora and only having 3 days to get her back. Loss because this would be just like losing my mother all over again because Nora was the only person I trust with my life and past. I couldn't lose another person who was close to me and the only person I opened up with and the only person who gave me comfort when I need it most. Her laughs made all my worries wash away. She always tries to distract me from my sorrow and encourages me to have a good time. And most of all she understands me and doesn't feel sorry for me. She doesn't judge me from my past but for who I chose to be now. I can't lose her, I won't lose her.

Anger boiled in my blood heating the ice the faster, but it was too late. Nora was gone, and so was a piece of my heart. I broke down, this is all my fault.

Don't sulk Leo, you need to get up. Nora wouldn't want you to feel sorry for yourself. She needs you more than ever. Get up Leo and save her. I got up and listened to my thoughts. I melted all the ice that my friends were stuck in. Look of shock filled all their faces but also determination.

Jason put his arm on my shoulder. 'Leo, were going to get her back, ok. We just need a plan'
I looked up and gave Jason a warm smile and mouthed thank you.

'Khione would be at the castle, the one in Canada, Quebec.' Piper suggested, 'that witch is going to Oh for taking my best friend' venom laced pipers voiced, which actually frightened me. I've never seen piper act that way before, but it was comforting knowing that I everyone else wants to help to save Nora.

'Nora has done so much for us, it's only fair that we return the favour' Percy said reminding everyone of how she saved us from destruction.
'Yeah' frank, hazel and Annabeth said in unison. Seeing as to how Nora has touched each and everyone of us in such a short amount of time, warmed my heart. Nora sure has showed a lot of love and compassion towards the others, but she means more to me. I don't know what this feeling is but it's scary and comforting at the same time. However, I didn't have time to figure out these feelings so instead I focused on saving Nora, then the world, and then finally Calypso. I can't cheat on Calypso, Nora is just a friend, but not just any friend, she's my closest friend. I owe so much to her but yet she asks for nothing in return.

The seven went below deck to figure out a plan and figure out some strategies on to how to get in and get out with Nora.
Annabeth helped with strategies and who should go where. She also thought of the different possibilities that could happen, so just in case we came up with a back up plan.
We are already heading to Canada and we should be there in about 2 days from now.
We had a 3D projection of khiones castle so we would be able to identify where khione would have kept Nora.
Annabeth planned that khione would think about hiding Nora in a remote place that blocks any kind of escape. Annabeth found that the only place she described, was the dungeon.

The original trio, leo, Jason and piper, who faced khione before were going to be the distractions while hazel, piper and Annabeth were going to break Nora out of the dungeon and then escape.
The plan would be set into motion when they arrive. I was not going out of that place without Nora safe in my arms.

Later that day when we all figured out a plan to save Nora, I went back to her room. I miss her and I don't know what I would do without her. She was the only person the see me for who I truly am, for who I am under the fake smile and jokes, under the mask I put up for everyone.

I've never had such a deep connection with someone since my mum. I don't want to lose her, like what happened to my mum. If anything happened, I don't if I would be able to live with myself, knowing I was the reason she was...
I don't want to finish that thought, so I went into Nora's room to recall all the memories we had together. I sat cross legged on her made up bed and hugged her pillow close to my chest.

I was walking past Nora's room after I had finished my shift on deck. I stopped when I heard some singing, I listened carefully and followed the angelic voice. I found myself outside Nora's room, but her door was slightly opened, so I opened it further and invited myself in.

Her eyes were closed, with her earphones in and singing a song that I wasn't familiar with but she sang it beautifully and I instantly fell in love with her voice. Her voice was happy and calm unlike the first time she sand in front of us, when her voice was full of pain and suffering. Her voice reminded me of Calypso but it was better because Nora was a normal mortal while Calypso was a goddess. (Don't tell Calypso I said that).

After standing and listening her sing, Nora finished the song and opened her eyes. Once she saw me, her face was full of shock and horror. Because of the shock, she had fallen of her bed in surprise. (Such a clumsy girl) I thought while shaking me head in amusement.
She got up and grab her pillow after her embarrassment and to my surprise she threw it at me.

I stopped laughing at her clumsiness and saw this as a war, so I did the obvious thing and grab a pillow while shouting, 'PILLOW FIGHT'
We fought and laughter filled the whole ship, and soon enough the others joined in the fun.

That memory was one the best nights I've ever had. Since Nora had come, we have all been carefree and less stressed about what is to come. She made us live our life's like how we would if we were normal teenagers. She helped us so much more than she knew.

After drying my tears, I got of her bed and went towards her desk. I looked in the mirror to make sure I was able to hide the red puffy eyes from my friends and but on a brave face. But something had caught my eye. On the desk, there was a piece of paper with my name on it.
Curiosity getting the better of me, I unfolded the piece of paper only to have more tears stream down my eyes.
The paper I held was an amazing and such a realistic drawing of me. She drew me. She had made me look like I was perfect and she had also shown the love and admiration I had when I do the thing I love.
Looking at the picture and taking it all it's detailed features, I had notice that it was midnight.
I went back to my room and held the drawing close to my heart before putting it in my tool-belt so it would never get lost and will always stay with me forever.
Before going to sleep, I said one last thing to myself, 'I will find you Nora, whatever the cost.' I found myself promising. But I didn't care because I'm not going to break that promise because no matter what, i will always find her.

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