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Nora POV
When Leo finished his lesson on teaching me Spanish, I was actually surprised by the amount of stuff I learned with him. I didn't know he was going to take this seriously. I guess there's more to Leo than meets the eye.
Anyway, after I left his room I decided to go and become closer to the girls. I found them in Pipers room having a slumber party, so I decided that this would be the best time to try and get closer and make good friends.

Ok now that Nora's gone I can finally work on my new project. I'm not saying that it wasn't fun teaching her Spanish, because it was, but this is a secret project. It isn't that hard to create but I hoped she would like them. Plus hopefully I used the right measurements.

Nora POV
I am having so much fun with the girls. We did some makeovers and I reluctantly let piper do mine. I hate makeup and anything like that but I still wanted to get closer to the girls and I don't regret it. They made me change into more comfortable close, which I was thankful for. (Clothes are shown above in the picture)
We also played some really fun games. I've learnt so much more about Annabeth, piper and Hazel. They were all so different yet they worked so well together.
It was now time for lunch so we all headed to the dining hall or whatever people call it. (I'm not really good with parts of the ship) while I was eating I noticed that Leo wasn't there.
I don't know if no one else noticed but I decided to try and see if he's cooped up in his room.
I had a plate in my hand with food since I figured Leo would be hungry. It was tacos. I figured that he likes them since he ate it yesterday at dinner.
I knocked on his door and entered only to find Leo sleeping on his desk and drooling on the table. It was a cute sight since I didn't have to listen to his sarcastic comments of course. There was no other reason. Anyway, I had to wake him up so he could eat properly.
'Leo' I whispered so I don't startled him. I tried shaking him awake carefully and gently but he still didn't move.
Well if it's going to be that way. Fine.
I used the water on Leo's desk and threw it onto Leo's sleeping form to wake him up.
Leo jumped at the action and tumbled out of his seat. It was hilarious. I was laughing so hard that I fell to the floor while holding my stomach.
Leo noticed and had an unamused expression in his face and was drying his clothes with his fire power.
After I calmed down and wiped the tears from my eyes, I told him,'sorry to wake you up from your beauty sleep'
'WHAT WAS THAT. You really didn't have to wake me up by splashing water on me there are multiple other ways to wake up a person.' I was startled by his reaction that I actually felt ashamed of myself. Maybe I did take it too far, I don't mean to make him mad.
'I'm sorry i didn't mean to hurt you' I said while looking down at my feet. 'Also here is some food since you missed dinner' as soon as he took the food I walked out of his bedroom since I don't think he would want to see me after what I've done. Why do I was have to make a mess of things and make loads of mistakes that hurt people in the end.

After I shouted at Nora, I suddenly felt guilty. Now she must feel bad after I shouted at her. She only did it so I could eat. I didn't even realise that I missed lunch. No one except Nora realised my absence during lunch and out of the good of her heart wanted to make sure I was ok and gave me food. And it was also my favourite food.
'Nora Wait' I walked out of my bedroom to spot her still walking down the corridor.
When she heard my voice she froze and turned around.
'Look Nora I'm sorry I shouted at you I didn't mean to. And thanks for the food, I didn't notice the time.' I apologised, but then I realised what she was wearing and it was so cute. I almost blushed at how pretty she looked but didn't as I rememberedthat she was mad at me.
Nora then smiled which made me feel better to know that she's not mad at me.
'Anytime Leo. What were you doing that was so important that you just had to miss lunch.' She said sarcastically. I'm glad I'm not the only sarcastic person here. But now I realise how annoying it is. Is that how my friends feel when I'm sarcastic because that's great. I love annoying them.
'Why don't you come in and I will show you' I gestured for her to follow me into my bedroom to show her my surprise that I made for her.
'Ok Nora close your eyes'
'How about no. I don't trust you. Especially in a room full of dangerous stuff' she said pointing out all the pieces on the floor and bed.
I chuckled at her concern and told her not to worry. 'Don't worry I won't hurt you, it's a gift that I want to give you'
'Ok fine but you know you didn't have to give me anything especially when I didn't give you anything' Nora then finally closed her eyes.
'Just think of it as a thank you present for saving us, plus just remember that you never have to get me anything' I said with all seriousness.

Nora POV
'No peeking'
'Ugh how did you know' Leo grew silent and I was kind of worried. Maybe this was a prank or he was going to pay me back after me splashing him with water while he was sleeping.
My thoughts stopped when I felt something warm against my face that slid on and rested onto my ears and nose.
I opened my eyes and could see much more clearly than before. I could also see Leo staring at me waiting for my expression. It was weird when he was staring into my eyes because I was never used to people looking at me in the eyes so I would just look away. I then realised that I was wearing glasses.
I took them off to examine them and it was beautiful. It was a dark royal blue colour on the frames. On the sides of the glasses were white shining stars that made it look like It was a blue sky at night with the stars to light up the dark and to make sure the sky wasn't lonely.
Leo made this for me. I can't believe he went out of his way and not eat to make me glasses that I lost.
I looked back up at Leo and hugged him. He was stiff at first but hugged back after getting over his surprise. This hug wasn't awkward like those hugs you give your friends it was more comfortable and it felt right to be in his arms. It made me lose all my worry and pain. He smelled of grease and cinnamon but it was a good combination that made me forget about reality and time itself. I was reluctant to let go of the hug, but I had to.
'Thank you so much Leo, I've never had someone do something like this for me. You didn't have to waste your time for making something for me'. I appreciated Leo so much for making this but he didn't have to. I'm not worth it.
'It was no big deal it was really easy to make anyway'. He said shrugging and rubbing the back of his neck. Was he nervous. I think he was scared I wasn't going to like it. Aw how could I not.
'Wait but how did you know what lense to use, I mean sure I told you what size it was but still.
I don't have myopia or hyperopia. I have astigmatism. You would have to use the right lenses so it could reflect the way the light enters my eye so it could reach the centre of the retina so I can see clearly.' I was talking quickly fascinated by how Leo could make glasses so easily and know what materials to use to help my eye sight.
'Wow I didn't know you were a science nerd' Leo replied while smiling at me when I was rambling.
'Well I like biology and physics but HATE chemistry plus I'm really good in maths.' I said simply.
'I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves and understands science. Plus maybe you can make yourself useful and help out with any math equations and measurements if I'm busy repairing since it would get the job done quicker. And to answer your question I knew what lenses to use from your old glasses. I'm a Hephaestus kid so I can tell what type of material it is just by looking at it.'
'That's so cool, and I would love to help out. I love maths and I'm really good at it.'
'Great so meet me tomorrow in the engine room after breakfast.'
'Ok sounds cool' I said while leaving his room so he could rest better.
'And thanks again for the glasses. Hopefully I won't lose them.'
'Anytime Nora' and with that I closed the door behind me after leaving his room.
I went back to my room which is adjacent to Leo's and changed into some PJs and got rid of the make up that piper did during the slumber party to get ready for bed. I was really tired after the exciting day I had.
But that exciting day was ruined by my frightful dream that seemed to be Leo's past...

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