What's on Second

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Beta'd by Kylekatarn77 and Poliamida

63. What's On Second

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

-Alexander Pope

"All rise!"

Izuku shuffled to his feet along with the rest of Class 1A as the judge entered the courtroom. Today he was dressed to the nines in a black suit and tie, the same he'd worn to All Might's funeral a few days before. He could only hope he wasn't about to witness the end of another great hero.

"Be seated," the judge ordered, shuffling some papers as she sat. She looked up, peering over her spectacles down at the massive man wreathed in flames in the plaintiffs area. "Enji Todoroki. In the case of the People Versus The Endeavor Hero Agency, this court finds you not guilty on all counts. You acted well within the bounds of your duty as a hero, and the Ministry failed to communicate to its heroes that being a member of the MLA was not considered a crime in and of itself. Additionally, the court absolves you and your agency of wrongdoing related to the deaths and damages during the so-called 'Battle of Feel Good.' While your team did participate in a gruesome incident, the damages caused are laid at the feet of those who resisted arrest and caused great loss of human life. Court is adjourned."

Izuku breathed a massive sigh of relief, sagging slightly as the buzz of conversation filled the courtroom. "Well, that's one battle down I guess."

"Yeah," Shinso agreed. "Now we finish the fight. The MLA isn't done for."

"Can we go after Hanabata again? His trial is still ongoing," Izuku pointed out.

"He's not Re-Destro. I can feel it. The leader is still out there, somewhere," Shinso growled. "We'll find the bastard and nail him to the wall."

After a brief press conference, Endeavor met with Class 1A and Togata at a conference room in the Ministry of Justice. "I'm glad you're all safe. Shoto told me about what happened with the Shie Hassaikai. Bakugo. I'm sorry for your loss."

"Whatever. I'm even stronger than ever, and I'll kick anyone's ass who says otherwise," Bakugo growled.

"That's the spirit," Endeavor said, nodding his approval. "But I'm afraid our work against the MLA is far from over. We have finally identified Re-Destro, and the location of his base. That's why my court date was moved forward: we need to move on them. Now."

"After the fiasco from arresting Hanabata?" Shoto demanded. "Is that wise, father?"

"Perhaps not, but it is necessary. Things are at a crisis," Endeavor stated. "While we were all out of the picture, crime has been at an all time high. The MLA continues to distribute Trigger, though you did remove the source of tained variety that the yakuza was putting on the streets. And, worst of all, now the League of Villains has access to the quirk erasing bullets that were used on Bakugo."

Izuku winced. Spinner, alias Tarou Yamada, had made off with several cases of quirk erasing bullets in the confusion, sneaking out a back entrance after infiltrating the abandoned lab. Quite a few members of Shie Hassaikai were still on the loose, but with Kurono and Chisaki arrested they were done for as an organization.

"So who is Re-Destro, and where is he?" Uraraka asked. "I want to end those maniacs, once and for all."

"I can answer that question," a new voice said. Everyone turned to the young man entering the room, his crimson wings folded behind him. He was dressed in a long tan coat, and wore yellow sports goggles over his eyes.

"Hawks?" Tokoyami said, standing. "What are you doing here, sir?"

"Relax, Black Bird," Hawks chuckled. "No need to call me sir anymore. Hell, maybe I should call you that. You took down All For One, a yakuza gang, and two heads of the MLA. You keep this up, I won't have to work so hard soon."

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